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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. Who going GO? Can go lim kopi.. LOL Better post something otherwise regards as SPAM... GO Shipment supposed to be 8.30pm and open till 12mn
  2. wooo, berry nice lemon peel... is this how LemonLemon looks like LOL
  3. Nice idea about the Ikea shades.. For LED should be fine. If MH... will be fire hazard! LOL
  4. lol, ya, chiller sold. can mod pls close this thread?
  5. Where u stay? The Kovan freshwater fish shop also sell.
  6. nice idea but having QT linked to frag tank and ur dad's tank, wouldn't it affect those 2 tanks if ur QT fish got problem?
  7. I think no more TANGS, if go for FOWLER, maybe can keep some ANGELs? some schooling fishes like chromis, anthias will be quite nice and colourful. Of course, still have clownfishes if you like.
  8. Well done Siang... can't wait to see u stock up
  9. U sponsor new stuffs then got update lor...LOL Didn't add anything recently.. just some zoas from Dr Ang a while back. Nothing from aquarama also.
  10. strange, why is the marine tank set more exp since it's also 10mm? Unless it's for the stand/cabinet (does it comes with it?)
  11. LED is definitely more energy saving. If you are only keep LPS and Fish, LED will be good in the long run.
  12. Better don't go... Ur wallet will not thank u.. LOL
  13. Hi MacroVan Sorry about the loss.. was quite shocked when Desi told me last night. Anyway, hope you come back stronger and have a better tank! Keep the spirits up!
  14. well done on the tank... you guys didn't lose la.. just didn't WIN! LOL..
  15. Cedric... we go over and raid your place then go aquarama on Saturday?
  16. some interesting products.. like the Japanese filter systems and elos lighting
  17. klve, how u incorporate your nano with your sump? Got full tank shot or not with the sump?
  18. Very nice collection of zoas..
  19. Maybe it's too big piece... prawn meat are quite chunky.. try and chop it up finely and don't need to feed much.
  20. U can try to cut off the bottom of a coke bottle (can be the 500ml or 1.5l size, depends on your coral size) and feed the coral food using a long syringe inside the bottle, with the bottle covering your coral.
  21. agree. the birdnest is very nice...
  22. wah... the scolys are beautiful!
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