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Everything posted by terryansimon

  1. what is so cruel about that? you're merely replicating the food chain in a controlled environment. the lowest on the chain will definitely get eaten by the one on top of it. so on and so forth. thats life! (=
  2. off hand I know that dr_evil does DIY lights. click on Members and look for his nick. alternatively, read through the DIY Threads. sure got some people volunteer their services one. (=
  3. you heard of I-Ref? allows you to have a refugium without drilling. check it out here. and it'd be nice if you typed it in normal typeface without making your text bold. looks like you're screaming for help like that.
  4. to add on to what Rumour said.... bloodworms are high in cholestrol. they make fishes go fat. or at least my freshwater fishes grew huge with them. my tetras used to be so microscopic....now they're like. huge. same goes for my angelfishes as well. so yeah. they do make them grow fat damn fast. so the effects should be the same as in marine. however they'll go frantic whenever I drop the cubes of frozen bloodworms into the tank.
  5. it makes the sound of a Boxster engine aka horizontally opposed engine like those found on Porshce or Subarus. *vroom* okay off topic.
  6. hmm if thats the case, then sorry to hear about your horrid experience with DI catridges.
  7. imho I still think its expensive. then again, I may be wrong. =\ then again it is an Iwaki. so yeah. good luck for the sale anyway by the way, whats the flow rate for this pump? (=
  8. I never knew sizes could mate. why don't you go get a flexible tubing or pipe instead of using a pipe like yours? I don't know....but urh I have the idea that its just from the pump to the outflow aka SCWD direct via one hose/tube/pipe.
  9. maybe the claims of a reduce NO3/PO4 anions were done in an ideal lab condition. and maybe the amounts in your area is abnormally high? it happens... =\ care to tell us what product you're talking about? (=
  10. I thought people just normally connect the outlet pipe from the pump direct into the SCWD?
  11. shit if only I didn't buy my Eheims so fast! argh!
  12. you don't know where Petmart is? oh boy. Blk 151 Serangoon North Avenue 2 #01-79 Singapore 550151 Tel: 62896471 They're closed on Mondays by the way. apart from that they are open from 0830 to 2030 on every day except Monday. (=
  13. have a picture of the SCWD working in the tank? (=
  14. unless you have the ability to speak or understand fish lingo, I doubt you'd know if they're really kissing or showing aggression. but in this case I'd go with AT and say that its a sign of aggression as its known that marine fishes do not kiss or show such...public display of affection in that sense.
  15. are you sure the addition of vinegar into the tank isn't detrimental? just wondering... =\
  16. wah you heard not that good and you still buy? first things first, did you read up on the thread regarding setting up a new marine tank? it'll save you a lot of trouble if you went through it. Arofanatic also has a thread on the same topic.
  17. can try Petmart....they're selling one of the pH pens for $65. I bought the Aquasentry for $140 from them. monitors both pH and temperature simoultaneously. I know its a made in Singapore brand and that probably nobody has heard of it or used it, but yeah, thats not stopping me from buying it and trying it out. if you want a review, don't bother getting one from me yet coz...my tank is not ready yet and I can't use it yet if my tank isn't ready right?
  18. a joke that I've read a million times but not heard someone spoof it. hehz. the dood who does the voice over sounds really convincing.
  19. yes. every bacteria including the free floating beneficial ones.
  20. eh? how on earth did you get such quotations? I'm interested. (=
  21. side track a bit good mah. then can pray for you. I also having exams leh.
  22. DIY...lor. that you may want to surf around the DIY threads....may have a bit of helpful information there. (=
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