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Everything posted by sun2000

  1. Iwarna has a giant scrubber at left side. Seems to have a full bloom of algae. You may want to check it out and ask them for advise. I am sure there is some good out there from the algae scrubber if done correctly. Problem in many cases is wrong installation method ( flow, lighting etc) that leads to not so favorable results. My main problem is space, don't know where to put the scrubber, sump got no more space. If you designing from scratch it may be better, since you can plan where you want to place the setup. The guy in US ( Santa Barbara) has lots of ideas and many success stories, seek help there perhaps?
  2. Tough to hear this news. Seen the same scenario when my chiller failed. Sometimes electronic components fail without warning. Was wondering if it was good to install an external temperature alarm (i.e. set at 30 Deg)to prevent these type of disaster. Hope you'll continue reefing.
  3. To those who smsed me, can u pm instead becuase my phone got problem.
  4. Giving away blue spiny lobster. Today, i woke up with my sis telling me my blotchy anthias(just put in my tank last night after 2 months of quarantine) got eaten by the blue spiny lobster. Even my clown gobys,cleaner and peppermint shrimps fell victim to it. Other than that its has a nice colouration and is good for cleaning sand and rocks. Its about 2 inches, not counting its feelers. Collection is at lentor. Contact me at 96432702 for collection.
  5. Can we at least see a picture of what the overflow is like? Would like to know if it can match the cabinet I have? thanks
  6. Could not see the hood in the pictures of your tank? Did you miss this one?
  7. Seen it at Ah Beng and Petmart. More difficult to get a good test kit for copper. Found the API test kit from AM, petmart carry the Sera test kit but not sure if it was good , so did not buy it. Difficult to see the correct dosage( 0.25ppm and 0.5 ppm nearly same color) so be careful.
  8. where to meet/pick up? sun
  9. Need a bit of patience for the right deal to come around. Seen a few decom in the pasar malam V(tec) has a beautiful set ..dunno if he is selling his tank or only just his equipment. Sumpless idea.... no experience but seems that having a sump helps increase the water volume and helps keep all the equipment away from the main tank and thus freeing more viewing space in the main tank. Best of luck anyways sun
  10. Sounds like a plan. Did you add in your cured life rocks? Not a good idea for a QT tank in case you need to treat the LS ( hypo or copper). If this is a QT tank and you treated your LS the sponge filter and all the rest may be wasted( full of copper or dead from the hypo) so you can't x'fer to your main tank later (unless clean and cycle once more). Suggest you buy LR from a decom tank to jump start you main tank when you have repaired the tank and use NSW, may be faster but still need to cycle and monitor. just my 0.5 cents sun
  11. Just seen the tank this morning and the lighting looked great. Thanks for the light set.Works great. sun
  12. Interested in the light set. Have PM you my contact. Let me know when you free. sun
  13. Thanks for the LR and all the best to you. cheers sun
  14. Interested to know the price and where to collect/view? sun
  15. Sejiro, Raw egg yolk or cooked? Raw egg yolk broken already mashed so cannot understand the chunks part, unless you mean hard boiled egg yolk... more powder form... can help explain further? thks sun
  16. Agree that test kits are expensive, wait till you check out the cost of additives ( try AZNO3 to reduce NO3 ... works well) as for the "stone's" they will be more effective in areas of greater flow ( Fluidized Reactor FR) and they will be less effective after a while ( need to change...) but they should help, Change water is a good move. As for coral chips, they are a bacteria factory and after awhile, they become a Nitrate factory, so you may want to consider removing it after the cycling period ( NH3 -> Nitrite -> Nitrate) is over. In this case you remove the bacteria producing Nitrates from the system. Again many different point of view , and I don't pretend to know your situation 100% to give my 0.01 cents of advise. Seems to me you have the hardware for a great tank , just work (and $$) to get back on track. cheers sun
  17. Kira, Your friend has indeed given a good setup to you but perhaps forgotten to mention that the system needs maintenance. I cannot imagine that the system (although FOWL) can survive 8 hours without circulation, most would have crashed. Seems you have an interest to upkeep the tank, so I guess you are at the right place for help. It will be tough but I am sure eventually you will get back on track. Meantime, do not introduce more LS( coral and fishes) until you can confirm your system is OK. You may need some basic test kits ( Ammonia, Nitrates, PH), Hydrometer, Thermometer to monitor your system's health. I did not see a chiller, you need a constant water temp, maybe can consider... meantime monitor those parameter and you will know roughly your problem, then perhaps the information in this forum can help you get your system back on track. Do take care and importantly, enjoy the hobby sun
  18. This is highly interesting to know that you have been doing this for quite a while ( half a year or more and I assume that the top up is with distilled water) without much of a problem until you introduce some corals. It is quite amazing already, maybe you can share a little bit more about your setup for us to understand better. cheers sun
  19. I bought mine for $10 at Jalan Besar junction Kitchener Road. It needs to be rinsed and cleaned as we don't know what was the previous chemical ( mine was food syrup) in the container. They have many sizes so free to choose. Not able to help with the cck/yewtee area ...sorri sun
  20. Have been doing this for over 6 months now but I never kept the water for 2 month ( maybe 1 month) so far no problem. I used those 40 gal plastic container to store and change maybe 2-3 liters per week of my 2ft tank water. So far so good. cheers sun
  21. What is the condition of the tank and what are your expectations in terms of price and delivery? sun2000
  22. Just measured my car boot as well as my back seat. I don't see it getting into the door as it is a 2ft x 2ft x 2ft cube. Just too bad, such a nice tank ( and nice owner to give it away) and will be a waste to throw away. Thanks anyways cheers sun
  23. Was wondering if it could fit at the back of my car. Else no idea how to transport the tank and stand? Is it very heavy? I am interested but not sure how to transport. sun
  24. Interested in yr chiller. How old is it? cheers sun
  25. Can reserve? Will pickup on the weekend when more free. sun
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