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Everything posted by sun2000

  1. I have the same experience with my skimmer (SM 121). Sometime of the day it will foam well and sometimes no foam at all. The bubbles just burst prematurely. I leave it as it is as long as I get thick black skimmate at the end of the week. I have checked water parameters and they look ok. Have cleaned the skimmer regularly and it is still the same experience.
  2. oic missed the first ref...will track at RC. Thanks for posting the link..appreciate the heads up
  3. Interesting reading. Looking forward to your results on garlic's effectiveness on marine ich
  4. Wild discus have not seen many in Singapore. I think you will find more info on freshwater fishes at sites like arofanatic. Most breeders are outside from town and quite difficult to access by public transport..tengah, lim chu kang or even pasir ris. Not sure if you need a permit to bring out lifestock...I know u need a permit to bring in but not sure about out. For corals I think best area is in Pasir ris or even better to arrange with some of our sponsor (fantasy coral, pinnicle, iwarna,marinelife,GO) as they would be best although they may be all over the place...
  5. You have quite a collection of angels..... I guess if they are still feeding normal then should be OK right.. like u said maybe they are pairing up
  6. You can check with Vincent at Aquarium Artist...bought mine from him a few weeks back. Not sure if he still has stock.
  7. Just keep a "standby" media in your main tank ( sponge/rings etc) that is "full" of nitrifying bacteria and use this to seed the QT tank when you need to set one up. Meantime just clean up your tank and store in some place until the time you need it.
  8. Thanks for advise... I found out that the reason is that inverter aircon uses a PWM to control the speed of the compressor motor and this is present in the fan coil ( blower unit), so without this, we cannot control the ON/OFF function of the compressor..ie with the external temperature controller unit/relay. Will have to stick to the conventional compressor. In theory the split system should work if we can control the valve allowing the gas to flow to the coils as well as turn on the compressor at the same time. This one have to ask the aircon installation people... Thanks once more.
  9. Is there a reason why inverter sets cannot be used? Also is it possible to hook up to a multi split aircon...ie system 3 or 4..therefore using only 1 compressor unit but replacing 1 fan coil with the titanium coil/controller option?
  10. Why not try to DIY an overflow pipe like this save some $ and have a simple sump ( 2ft tank?) cheers
  11. You may want to read this article http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/45-reefkeeping-101- It may be Asterina sp. starfish ... not sure if it is reef safe but classified as a pest??? cheers ss
  12. Saw some green carpet at the shop in front of ah beng, had some bubble tip as well...saw these on Sunday afternoon...not sure if its still there..call first before going. cheers
  13. If you can..why not test the chiller at the shop....bring a pail /pump with you, add salt water and test on site. If the chiller is the cause, you can get one replaced until the problem is solved. If at the shop no problem but when you bring it back (repeat the test using pail and pump)and the chiller has a problem, then better get an electrician to test and check your main line as confirm the chiller is OK (tested). Since you already swap out most of the components. If possible, try at a different power socket location( ie diff room, hall,kitchen etc) to try a different main line, as maybe the main socket you are using ( line inside) is faulty...I dunno , like I mention, do some isolation , if it is indeed only happening at that particular socket , get an electrician to check/repair. Hopefully it is just a bad chiller (and your luck damn suay, replace new once also same problem)and when you get a good one, problem is solved. cheers and chill
  14. Don't "solve" the problem using a grounding probe.... find the "real" problem and fix it...current leakage is dangerous
  15. There is a sticky in the SPS section on DSB...maybe you should see some of the comments on DSB
  16. The tank and setup looks fantastic. Definitely will go ever and have a 1st hand look this weekend. Thanks for all the preview photos
  17. I think 6 weeks no top up is also quite strange but I think TS did top up ... "I don't see a massive drop in the water level that requires me to top up the water like what I've read in the forum. I've check the SG at least once per week and it's constantly at 1.020~21. I've done weekly waterchange of at least 10% and am running the tank with 6 tube T5HO and a 1/4hp chiller set at 25~26 degrees. While there are some water lost due to evaporation, it's minimum " only not as much until 1l per day but when I ran a tank with no chiller using a fan as cooling, I remember topping up 1.5L per day due to evaporation...bought a RO/DI unit to make top up water but when I added a chiller ( same tank) then top up amount was perhaps down to once a week 2L at most.. so I think the fan plays a part as well as maybe cooler water needs more heat to make it evaporate off from the tank. That is what I observed..could be other reasons as well..
  18. If you use chiller the evaporation is much lower , if you have a fan it will be worse..
  19. I lost 2 golden butterflies to something similar but in a QT tank, they look the same with the blurred/cloudy eyes as well. Treated with FW dip and copper but did not make it. Now I'm wondering if it was Brooklynella as well ... did not do any antibiotic treatment ( Furan 2) which in hind sight I should have.... symptom all seem the same as what you mentioned ... wondering how to avoid in the future.
  20. Ah Beng always have the green chromis ... in fact M3Morph also have these...it's the blue chromis that is less common and also more ex
  21. Also saw some sunburst anthias and regal ( yellow belly) there as well... Irene also have Red Sea shipment and lots of Sohal Tangs, Golden Butterfly .. heard it is for re export so it may not be there tomorrow
  22. Using API test kit. Salifert is quite ex but I guess it is reputable. For NO2/NH3/NO3/Ca/PO4 quite common to get and not so impt to get a very accurate test kit...but if say testing for Copper... then better invest in a more "reliable" test kit... else life stock can be in danger. For Hydrometer or refractometer ... budget is one things but Hydrometer sometimes not so "reliable" although is is cheap and in most cases suits the application. I started with a Hydrometer and later bought a refractometer when it became available in the pasar malam section.
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