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Everything posted by scarab

  1. Did some rearrangement and added some more clams and stuff. so here goes.
  2. Coral Farm Brought in 3 a few months back. Think they were selling 300 bucks each. Somebody bought all 3 when i was there.
  3. If can afford better to use deioniser even for new tank setup. Deioniser remove much more harmful substance. Price about $300 from Marine Life at Hong Leong.
  4. Nori soaked in garlic juice is an alternative. But not every YT will feed willingly. Got to my third YT before it feeds. First 2 just refuse to eat and wasted away. Watch their feeding antics at the LFS before selecting. Those that are greedier are the one you should choose. My YT now feed on everything, frozen preparation, nori, live brine shrimp and cyclopeeze.
  5. They can take small pieces of shrimp meat. Haven't seen them take any of my fish before. But they really disturb any corals around it.
  6. IMO tube anemones are troublesome. Takes up too much space and sting everything around it. Use to love them but have to give them up as you have to create a big empty space in the tank to house them. With lights they look ok and manageable size but at night, my god, it like a feeding monster extending to almost double its size. My 2 cents worth
  7. Problem is my 10k doesn't look white, more yellow. thought of changing to 20k. Like the colour a lot. Coral colour look better also. Just thought whether it's advisable.
  8. Hi. Was thinking other than the colour what is the difference between a 10k and 20k MH light? Does 10k does something that 20k doesn't do or vice versa?
  9. Totally agree. Angels are a time bomb in a reef tank. Today ok tomorrow it might terrorise every coral in the tank. Especially prata. And don't forget about clams.
  10. No problem so far for me. I have apair of purple and a pair of fire gobies for 2 months in my 3.5 ft tank. They are doing ok. They need places to hide.
  11. So you are suggestinng that I don't tie things to the pipe to prevent it from choking, right?
  12. Oh it's the end of the return in the tank, huh? Won't this reduce the flow of the water into the tank?
  13. In the overflow before the pipe that bring water down to the sump or at the end of this pipe before the water enters the sump?
  14. liao but anyway US $ my friend. You got to be careful with the freight charges as well.
  15. Freeplay means it is not tight against the opening of the pipe right? Btw what's the average period before you need to change the wool? I have bio balls in the 1st chamber. Do you suggest that I remove all of them?
  16. Another one I finduseful is Corals A Quick Reference Guide by Julian Sprung. Available at Amazon too.
  17. Won't it get choked easily from debris from the tank?
  18. Have checked and confirm that bubbles are formed from the water gushing down from overflow. Any suggestion to alleviate it? Please help. Bubbles are making the tank look blur.
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