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Everything posted by scarab

  1. Hon, Saw that sunburst at PR. Lovely fish,eh? So tempted to buy but got dispars instead. Think will eventually buy sunburst. They are gorgeous
  2. Bought 1 Dispar Anthias male and 2 females. The male look so execellently good . So just wondering whether I can get another male to keep in the tank.
  3. Uh.... I got 4 cleaner, 4 fire, 4 camel and 1 purple head boxer. Cleaner, fire and boxer 5 months already. Camel only added today. So... I think can say cleaner, fire and boxer (only one per tank) are compatible.
  4. Sorry leh. Wrapper thrown away long ago. If I go there will try to look out for brand.
  5. I got mine from Home fix DIY. Square looking thing with blue ring. Benn with me for 5 months.
  6. If red dots on pectoral fins, then it will be lyretail.
  7. Agree totally. When it sh*t, it rains man.
  8. Bro, your anthias beautiful man. what you feed your purple queen and sunburst? I love anthias but have been unsucessful with purple queen. Thinking of getting sunburst but heard they are also difficult to feed. My other anthias (bartletts, truncate and squamipinis) are ok and easier to feed
  9. Well like I say, some good and some evil . You can try your luck. Might get an obedient one and leave your corals alone.
  10. Sorry is bloodshrimps also called fire shrimp? If yes, then no problem. I'm keeping 4 fire shrimps with 1 boxer shrimp. But can only keep 1 boxer shrimp unless mated pair.
  11. Tangs are reef safe. So yellow tang is ok. Just have to be careful on sequence of introducing tangs into your tank. The milder ones like blue tang should be introduced first before the fiercer ones like yellow or purple tang goes in. Another consideration in your tank size. Tangs need swimming space. I suggest minimum 3 ft tank before considering keeping tangs. Bicolour angel. Hah you want one? Got one in my refugium. Threw it there because it kept pecking on my corals especially pratas. Need I say more. But again angels are by luck. some good some evil .
  12. Blue tang no problem. Nice addition to a reef tank. Flame angel is a nice fish but whether reef safe depends on luck. Seen some that are really reef safe but also seen some that terrorise the reef.
  13. My YT eats his and other fishes poo all the time. Actually they taste it thinking it's food but they spit it out after that.
  14. Excellent looking tank man. Some really nice specimens as well. But to top it all of, the photography is the best. Well done. Look forward to more photos.
  15. Coral farm has mated true percula pairs. Price not cheap though. But worth it. bought mine there.
  16. use a magnet. can try the floating magnet glass cleaner
  17. Interested in No 2. can PM me with best price?
  18. Use a syringe and target feed frozen cyclopeeze at night. And I mean every night. Once it got use to feeding regime it will open when white light go out even without food. also keep it at the position where the current is strongest and sheltered from light as much as possible.
  19. BTW just change my MH lights to 20KK. Used to be one 10KK and one 20KK. Will post some shots with new lights.
  20. Lol. Actually very itchy to start SPS but I know my tank conditions not suitable for SPS yet. Tank only 4 months old lah. Still learning.
  21. Well nutx, better luck with your blasto. But I do find non-branching octo damn sensitive to tank condition.
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