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Everything posted by scarab

  1. i saw ML got one. On sunday. Good size but don't know whether still there or not.
  2. Not sure whether new batch. Didn't go there for some time. Just popped in today and saw lots of clams. I think got derasa but not too sure. The better ones are behind in the glass tanks not in the usual tubs.
  3. Noted bro. Actually have 2 sunburst in my tank. Introduce 3 days ago. Have not seen them since. Hope they reappear soon.
  4. I've been monitoring the pH level from the digital read out and have notice that the fluctuation of the pH level from day to night is about 0.35. My carbonate alkalinity, which I know will affect the pH fluctuation, is about 10 dKH. So is the 0.35 fluctuation too much? If so what can I do to solve that?
  5. Thanks Dispar, Sorry 1 more question? How about sunburst? Must be kept alone? (Sorry that 2 questions )
  6. Deep Blue, I see you have a nice collection of anthias. Could you list down the anthias you have and how many of each type? I'm also keping anthias but unsure as to how many of each to keep so that they are happy? Been told that anthias are schooling fish and keeping 1 or 2 will not work, is this true?
  7. DI unit buy from ML. Around 300 bucks if i can remember.
  8. i do. I use the acrylic fish trap you can buy from LFS. But my intention is to monitor its feeding and getting it used to the tank conditions before releasing into the tank. Think should work for the agression theraphy. See but don't touch.
  9. Bought a moon wrasse by mistake thinking it is reef safe but alas it is not. So it's in my refugium now awaiting a new owner. Size about 4 inches. Moon_Wrasse
  10. of the anthias I keep, ranking of easiest to feed first 1 Bartlett 2 Truncate 3 Lyretail 4 Dispar And lastly purple queen (actually they are impossible to feed)
  11. Please share your tip. will want to catch my damsel eventually.
  12. I've been planning to buy sunburst anthias but wondering how to tell between male and female? Anyone out there can help?
  13. Posting a picture of my male dispar. Is it alpha?
  14. Bro Dispar, Can show picture? Very interesting leh. haven't seen alpha male, now hear of super alpha male.
  15. Aaaargh Before long they'll be all over your tank, hiding in your rocks, stinging you corals and your fish, basically become a real pest. I bought one rock with almost 20 of them a few months ago. Like the colour but didn't exactly know what it was. After placing it tank, they start to dislodge and move all over the tank You can't remove them as they will shrink into your rocks crevice. Beware.
  16. Cyclopeeze should work. I also feed them the flake cyclopeeze. they also gobble. but I think most important if you have other anthias in your tank that are feeding well. They tend to follow. My dispars follow my bartlets and truncate when feeding.
  17. My tank 3.5 ft by 2 by 2. Saw a excellent sohal at Benz... tank. Since that day have been . But I think enough tangs lah. Must leave some spce for my anthias. Already worried when my blue and yellow tang grow big. My blue is just about 2 cm and my yellow is about 3 cm. Will try to post pics if I can take a good pic of them. always moving lah. Photo always blur.
  18. sugi, Your tang population almost same as mine leh? Got same as yours except brown tang though all smaller size. Would love a sohal but I think tank can't take it lah .
  19. Sorry ah? But what is alpha male? Is it different from other males? The male I bought has the like red tomahawk dorsal.
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