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Everything posted by scarab

  1. 2 nos Clarks Clown about 2 inches still available. $5.00 each 1 no Candycane wrasse also available. $4.00 PM me if anyone interested. BYOB
  2. Update of availability 1. Blue Tang 1.5 to 2 inches sold 2. Powder Brown Tang 4 to 5 inches $25.00 reserved by islander 3. Squamipinis Anthias (male) 2 nos 2 inches $4.00 each reserved by islander 4. Truncate fairy anthias 3 nos. 1 inch sold 5. Clarks clown 2 nos. 2 inches $5.00 each 6. Orange tail damsel sold 7. Candycane wrasse 1 no $4.00
  3. Hi all, Update of availability 1. Blue Tang 1.5 to 2 inches $10.00 reserved by element 2. Powder Brown Tang 4 to 5 inches $25.00 resreved by islander 3. Squamipinis Anthias (male) 2 nos 2 inches $4.00 each reserved by islander 4. Truncate fairy anthias 3 nos. 1 inch $2.00 each 5. Clarks clown 2 nos. 2 inches $5.00 each 6. Orange tail damsel $2.00 reserved by beaver 7. Candycane wrasse 1 no $4.00
  4. Hi all, Update of availability 1. Blue Tang 1.5 to 2 inches $10.00 reserved by element 2. Powder Brown Tang 4 to 5 inches $25.00 resreved by islander 3. Squamipinis Anthias (male) 2 nos 2 inches $4.00 each reserved by islander 4. Truncate fairy anthias 3 nos. 1 inch $2.00 each 5. Clarks clown 2 nos. 2 inches $5.00 each 6. Orange tail damsel $2.00 7. Candycane wrasse 1 no $4.00
  5. fish in pic is a truncate fairy anthias ..... the red tip on the tail is the distinctive feature.
  6. ok guys Now truncate fairy, damsel, clarks clown and candycane wrasse all half price. Any takers?
  7. Another 2 fishes to let go Candycane wrasse (Juvenile) 2 nos about 2 to 3 inches $8.00 each Suitable only for fish only tank. Picture is below but mine has very red stripes.
  8. Hi all, Got the following fishes to sell. PM me if interested. Collection today after 8 pm or tomorrow. Must collect by tomorrow if not might not be able to keep fish as i'm removing them from my main tank and rescaping. BYOB 1. Blue Tang 1.5 to 2 inches $10.00 reserved by element 2. Powder Brown Tang 4 to 5 inches $25.00 3. Squamipinis Anthias (male) 2 nos 2 inches $4.00 each reserved by islander 4. Truncate fairy anthias 3 nos. 1 inch $4.00 each 5. Clarks clown 2 nos. 2 inches $10.00 each 6. Orange tail damsel $4.00
  9. It's definitely not carpet anemone.
  10. My @#@%&* blue tang is also attacking my clams. Goes around pecking at them. Thot of putting red algae in the tank for the bugger to peck. Will it work?
  11. Wow!!! Beautiful clams bro How long have they been in your tank?
  12. Add more current and keep away from light. And continue to feed cyclopeeze. You must be patient and feed at night under blue lights or no light.
  13. Frozen the best. My sun corals loves it but you must target feed to kick start the habit. If you want to feed fish, get the flake type. Go and get from Henry at Marine Life. He has all kinds of cyclopeeze.
  14. Thanks for the info Cookiemunster. BTW how does your kalkreactor look like? What's the size? Been thinking of getting calcium/kalk reactor but got no place in my cabinet.
  15. Don't know. Never use kalk before. Maybe should start using.
  16. Bought a few. will try to post tomorrow. Lights off already lah.
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