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Everything posted by scarab

  1. If you have tried traps and failed, the only way is to do a total rescape meaning take all your corals, liverocks out and catch the bugger. You have no choice bro, I've done that 3 times already to catch fishes that terrorise my fish, corals and clams. Better than waiting for the fish to be trapped (IMO some fish can never be trapped) and you stay frustrated
  2. Just a suggestion here. The clams photos posted should be taken from the side of the tank rather than from the top as this will show the true viewing quality of the clams. Most clams are excellent when view from the top but unless you have a special clam tank with a sloping glass top or you always put a stool next to your tank to peek at your clam from the top amidst the turbulent water surface, you will not see the top view of the clam mantles. so viewing pleasure is always from the side. I've always found it a challenge to find clams that look half as good from the side than from the top Just my 2 cents worth.
  3. Don't worry. When i was cycling, I put in 5 market prawns also no ammonia shown in test. thot my test kit is spoilt but still zero when tested with test kits borrowed from others. After a few days you will definitely see a spike in NO2. If your prawn is decomposing means it is working. Be patient
  4. Thanks bro. I'm using a SCWD with a pump in the sump. Does this qualify as a closed loop?
  5. May I know what is close loop??????
  6. I also say. BLUE BUBBLE . Can have picture to confirm?
  7. Hello bro, It's NOT my tank. I'm only posting my opinion here. I have success with no further outbreaks of ich since constantly feeding garlic soaked nori to my tangs.
  8. What actually is the colour? Is it purple like in your photo or it's just the phtography?
  9. that was niceeeee, Still awaiting you reply. PM you again already.
  10. Well I had terrible ich outbreak in my tank, affected my purple tang badly. until body get white patches like moldy like that. Lukily it is willing to feed and I kept giving it nori soaked with garlic juice. It recovered . I continue giving it the same concoction and no white spot appear on it although it appear on new fishes which I introduce. ich is in your tank. Garlic only give your fish ability to resist it. that's all. I feel if you stop giving garlic soaked food. their resistance will drop. It's not antibiotics, like you finish a course and your fish immunity is there. it is more like vitamin c to build resistance to prevent attack. My 2 cents worth.
  11. Because i buy your corals lah. Must sell to find place to put it.
  12. Prata No 2 brown with green highlight and green mouth. Selling for $15
  13. Prata No 1 multicoloured. Selling for $20
  14. Bro, Interested in your Green and white bubble. My no 96693561
  15. More like 7 to 8 inches. PM me your best offer
  16. I have the following clam for sale. Bought it recently but found it to be too big for my tank. Selling at $80.00. Its a maxima (I think)
  17. All fishes sold or reserved. Will post again if reserved one kena aeroplane. Thanks everyone for the support.
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