2x250W BLV 10,000K + 1x150W BLV Blue - from Glare
Reef Relief 0.5HP - from Dr_Chill
Sump and Ref - from Ian
H & S Skimmer (in sump model)
Eheim 1262 as return pump
Water Conditions:
Ammonia - <0.5 (salifert test)
Nitrite - <0.3 (tetra test)
Nitrate - 12.5 (tetra test)
kH - 10
pH - 8.4
Calcium - havent test
7 firefish
1 purple firefish (hope I got the name correct)
1 golden maroon clownfish
1 common clownfish
2 diamond head goby (hope I got the name correct)
1 flame angel
5 harlequin shrimps
1 peppermint shrimp (damn lazy...always hiding and never wack my aptasia)
7 dispar anthias
2 red urchins
4 snails