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Everything posted by TANGT

  1. Items reserved until further notice....
  2. check out my thread..... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17869 all to go at $40.... interested? Please call or SMS me at 97604478...
  3. Last of my marine stuffs to clear. Weipro SA-2011 Venturi-driven protein skimmer together with Weipro Submerge Pump WH-4000. All in EXCELLENT condition........almost like new!!! Looking at a price of $40. Interested party please contact me at 97604478.
  4. Latest update : 1) DIY MH 150w SE 20k set $120 neg. Interested party please call me at 97604478.
  5. Latest update : 1) super big mushrooms $10 neg. 2) DIY MH 150w se 20k set $120 neg. Interested party, please PM me.
  6. Latest updates, Wat is left : 1) Super big Mushrooms $10 2) Normal Yumas $5 3) Green Mushrooms $3 4) MH $120 Many sorries to all those that feel offended by me. Deepblue, Sorri, actually what I wanted to say is that I got higher offers for some of the corals but it is just that I have my own principal that I would like to follow to become a good seller and be fair to the others that have PM me first. Hope that u will understand as I had a terrible time yesterday night as I have to clear my PMs till 1plus am. I am not good in words so sorry about all the misunderstanding.
  7. thanks for all interested. Now left with blue & green mushrooms and normal yumas and MH and the super big mushrooms. sorri bros out ther for causing all the troubles. jus to share, me go by pm 1st, well the fastest fingers get the deal. me go by the timing of the pm to be fair to others.. well for the higher offer thingy.. very tempting.. but..ethics... once again.. esp bwilly for teaching me how to post pics. soori bro, sorri u didnt get the corals.
  8. DIY MH SET, 150 watts SE 20k selling @ $120.00 come with below pic, external ballast.
  9. sorri bros.. try again.. super big mushroom, $10.00 pls let me know if u all can see?
  10. may i know where to upload pics to SRC??
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