I believe you will have to reduce the nitrites to zero also increase the salinity to 1.023. However not sure if they are the cause of your problem tot.
Actually, I normally ask the LFS/farm to sell me their display tanks yuma. They are always bright in colors and heathy. Guess I'll have to go get one of those from LCK and compare the quality now.
Hee. Thanks DB. Actually me still new to yuma thus may not have been able to diff the better grades one. Will pay more attention to the quality next time.
U also have a moorish with white spot. I'll say u monitor closely cause I had very bad experience with white spot. Only manage to stop the spreading by removing fishes to my Hosiptal tank. In the end lost a hippo tang , PBr tang and a percula clown.
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Maybe u wan to check wif ur friend the reason he selling it since its still new.