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Everything posted by jc85

  1. Can post a pic and PM me your asking price?
  2. Found this. It will be easiler if u know the scientific name before hand.
  3. You may wan to refer to this thread, LFS
  4. I doubt DSB in refuge will work unless the refuge is as big as the main tank rite? Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, my setup dun have refuge yet and I'm using cannister (ya, I'm aware of the cons of using it).
  5. I tried the same method once and gave up because my skunk will also get the bait before those crab.
  6. So how do u intend to remove nitrates if you going to go away with DSB?
  7. You have no problem with Six line wrasses? It had always caught my eyes. Maybe I'll try it out too. 1) Most Goby 2) Jawfish 3) A certain starfish??? 4) Wrasse (minus six-line) Anyone? Pls comments.
  8. It all depends if you want a DSB? To have DSB, the sandbed must be at least 4" and above depending on the grade of your sand. Cheers
  9. Hi Guys, As I have 4-5" of DSB in my main tank, I need advise on what are the LS that I should nvr get. I'm aware of only a few LS that will stir up the DSB but will appreciate if anyone can give me your input. 1) Most Goby 2) Jawfish 3) A certain starfish??? 4) ????
  10. If u asking for website, this might helps too. As for book, I borrow a bk from library. Title is something like "pocket guide of Marine fish" or something. I bring it along wif me when go LFSing. Cheers
  11. Ya. I'm aware of Ian I-Ref but its hang-on. I also worry that I'llbe stressing my tank glass too much. hee
  12. Hi Guys, I'm been thinking of setting up a in tank refugium but hardy find any working example for reference. Does anyone here has such a setup, can share your experience? I did not choose to have external hang refuge due to the are I placed my tank, it will look ugly. Thanks
  13. Thks AT. I understand that there's no guarantee but though by trying those proven anemone will lessen my risk.
  14. Wow. Great effort ozy. I'm trying to get more info on the LFS at Simon rd. Will post it here once I gather the info. Cheers
  15. Oh ya. I saw bwilly's thread on his clown with blue tip anemone. Just wondering if any other reefer had tried different anemone?
  16. Are u setting up a Nano tank? If u're new to marine, I dun think its recommended to try a nano on ur 1st attempt. I started my 3.5ft tank ard 3 months ago and trust me, its not as simple as u will think it is. cheers
  17. Hi Guys, I had a pair of True Percula Clown for two weeks and they are now feeding great. Will even fight with my yellow longnose for food during feeding. However, this pair like to hang ard my powerhead when resting which I find is a pity. They are a beautiful pair. Thus, I tot of getting a anemone for them to host in order to convince them to get out of that area. Can all those who had true percula that is hosting on your anemone, tell me what is the anemone you have? I had search the net and found that the three proven anemone hosted by True percula in wild are Sebae, Ritteri and Carpet. All these 3 are high difficulty in keeping or huge, will appreciate if anyone can share their experience. I'm sure some of the reefer here uses different anemones beside these three. Thanks faa38b54.jpg.orig
  18. I believe it means the main 3 parameter, NH3, NO2 and NO3 = o.
  19. I'm not surprise. Check out wat its selling at liveaquaria. Almost 300 USD
  20. Anyone saw Gold Rim Tang? I'm not looking for the Powder Brown Tang (SL has a few). Anyone got more info on T95.
  21. hmm, how do u classify as big and small? 5 cent size is big?
  22. Most people will just have it in their sump as long as the sump is as big as the main tank. If u have DSB in both, I believe it will be double efficient. Anyone who has done it can advise?
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