Is a noble concept but imho u need to fine tune it.
Btw, what is happening to earth today are mainly the results of human (homo sapiens). If you are talking abt saving the reef, den imo the concept is flawed. There is not way by taking some natural lifeform away from it habitat can result in helping the habitat, same vice versa (Reefholic is rite that if u wan to really save the ocean, the best way is to stop the hobby or only keep farm breed species). You probably wan to amend you concept to what SRC was started for int he 1st place and that is abt "Responsible Reefing".
Besides the points fellow reefers here have put up, have u consider putting the tank in a public area?
How do u plan to get ur this project out to the public? Juz by blogging?
My 2cts