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Everything posted by jc85

  1. If I rem correct, u can get a decent one for less than S$300. Either linksys or dlink. Juz take a walk ard Funan or Sim Lim and u will be spolit of choices. Cheers JC
  2. Most mushroom coral & Polyps can survive in ~28degree celcius water which can be achieved with cooling fans. Cheers JC
  3. I guess its the way u put it through in ur 1st few posts that set the wrong impression. If ur aim is just to do a blog on ur fish tank progress, nobody will question that. To be honest, blogging in the aquarium hobby is not new and many has been doing it. Keep it that way (enjoy ur hobby and do responsible reefing) and not actively asking for adoption in a public domain for your ur tank mates will definitely prevent any misunderstanding. Btw, u can now get a wireless IP Cam for quite a gd price now. Cheers JC
  4. Is a noble concept but imho u need to fine tune it. Btw, what is happening to earth today are mainly the results of human (homo sapiens). If you are talking abt saving the reef, den imo the concept is flawed. There is not way by taking some natural lifeform away from it habitat can result in helping the habitat, same vice versa (Reefholic is rite that if u wan to really save the ocean, the best way is to stop the hobby or only keep farm breed species). You probably wan to amend you concept to what SRC was started for int he 1st place and that is abt "Responsible Reefing". Besides the points fellow reefers here have put up, have u consider putting the tank in a public area? How do u plan to get ur this project out to the public? Juz by blogging? My 2cts JC
  5. Look at the recommended pump at their website. If u can't get them locally, get one that is of the same spec. http://www.proteinskimmer.com/products/EV240.htm Cheers JC
  6. Yup. FOWLR can be as beautiful. If u like, can still keep some soft corals that is easy to maintain. Cheers JC
  7. Oops. My mistake. But hor, why flushing and main return same direction? JC
  8. Flushing & maintenence? Interesting. Mind sharing what they are for? JC
  9. Nice updates and a great tank in the making. Like the way u take things slow & easy. Cheers JC
  10. Some info abt breedback. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bri.pollard/B...g_breedback.htm Cheers JC
  11. For short period like a day is fine but not for long. U can always search the online forum I posted or yahoo auctions for cheap spare cages. http://www.petsfanatics.com/forum/t2098-nd...e-for-sale.html http://www.petsfanatics.com/forum/t2108-ac...s-for-sale.html Do note also that the mum will go into heat soon after birth thus its important to separate the dad during this time. Cheers JC
  12. Yes. Pls separate the dad cos breed back is pretty bad for the mum. Oh do rem that in-breeding and TOV to TOV breeding is lethal also. http://www.chins-n-quills.com/forums/showt...goto=nextnewest Cheers JC
  13. What is a "white" shrimp u referring? R u able to indentify them using here? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i2/fathe...mps/james_w.htm http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/categ.cfm?pCatId=497 Cheers JC
  14. There is no reason why it can't be done. A sump is basically a separate tank to increase ur total water volume for various reason like parameters stablility, hold equipments, etc. To find out more, check this. http://www.melevsreef.com/what_sump.html Cheers JC
  15. Interesting concept with no LRs. Do share ur tank setup. Cheers JC
  16. Yes. T5HO is gd enough for most soft coral. I'll drop the PL since its much warmer. I'll suggest leaving the cotton in the cannister to filter big particles. HOB filter is not neccessary. If you wan to create water flow, get one of those small powerhead or wavemaker. A gd one is Maxijet which use little power and emit lesser heat. I'll highly recommend one. Maybe a weipro or macro will work well for your setup. IMHO, most brands are fine. RO/DI is not really necessary till much later when u venture into Hard Coral. Another method is to buy natural seawater from LFS. Cheers JC
  17. Clown fish are damselfish which is generally aggressive even to their own. If you do not have enough swimming space, I'll suggest keeping a pair else the chances of the 3rd fish been targeted is vey high. Cheers JC
  18. jc85


    I'm using bio-home for my planted tank and I do think that its effective. I've also used Seachem Matrix inmy mix-reef before. Cheers JC
  19. To be honest, most of the time its a combination of multiple reasons for ppl to give up a certain hobby. If I rem correctly, there was a similar thread sometime back and the most common reasons are time & $$. For myself, I've de-com my mix-reef due to moving. Cheers JC
  20. I have a 3 tube 2ft unit. PM me if u interested. Cheers JC
  21. Nice to know that old timers still around. I'm honoured to be deemed as an old timer. Cheers JC
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