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Everything posted by jc85

  1. Wat's ur tank parameters? NH4 - 0 NO2 - 0 NO3 - ? ph - ? Salinity - ? If u suspect the buttons are releasing toxic, get some GAC. How long have u kept the FMC? Any chances done yesterday to the tank? Cheers JC
  2. Guess u din receive my email? Anyway, all the best to u sales. Cheers JC
  3. The aerobic bacteria are having their feast. Cheers JC
  4. Hi, is ur Crystal DI unit still avail? Tks JC
  5. Seems like their system mainly rely on Miracle Mud. You might want to read up more on it. http://www.reefs.org/library/article/mm_analysis.html Its not exactly simple & no need to worry cos u need to replace them after 2 yr. Cheers JC
  6. Wat flowrate are u looking for? JC
  7. Typically, reef tank with corals need higher flowrate than FOWLR athough the fishes will probably also enjoy the higer flow more. IF possible, try to achieve at least 10 times the flowrate. Cheers JC
  8. LRs are part of the biological filtration. Mainly for the aerobic bact athough a small amount of anerobic bact meant exist in them. Coraline algae from my understanding are juz a part of algae. Not much of usefulness except that its look nice. There are some methods to remove nitrates. - Water Change - Deep Sand Bed - Denitrator system - Denitrating filter media - Extensive protein skimming and over skimming Cheers JC
  9. The internal body is not straight if u look closely, there is a neck in it. Tunze probably wan to make it look different by having a cylindrical body. Aquamarin webbie has the dimension, www.aquamarin.com.sg Cheers JC
  10. jc85

    cheap wavemaker

    I guess one main concern is what pump will u be using. Most AC pump do not last wit constant switching on/Off. JC
  11. Now I know why Gerald is so busy. A nice tank setup in the making. I'll prefer to have a slightly overrated pump. In any case, if its too strong, u can always try to have more output at ur main tank which can add as wavemaker. Else u can always tee-off to ur sump. Have u tried the skimmer with pump running? Any vibration? Cheers JC
  12. Should not be diffcult to find tank maker that can do your plan. I've recently also convert my planted tank to marine and is work in progress. http://www.fruddy.com/marine/ Do rem to share with us what are your various plans. Cheers JC
  13. Lovely and healthy fishes. CF always have gd quality fishes. Any updates on their stock level? Cheers JC
  14. It is possible and I've done it for ~ 1 yr but mine not really low tech. I'm still dosing fert and CO2. Btw, I'll be clearing my Lapis sand by this Sat. If you interested to get them (FOC), pm me. Note, its enough to fill up my 5.5ft x 2ft to abt 3-4". Cheers JC
  15. May I check why is it not suitable for ur 7ft? Cos I thinking of uding it for my 5.5ft mixed reef tank. Thanks JC
  16. Cool gadget. Wat's that probe on the far right? Cheers JC
  17. Try visiting AQ for planted stuff. http://www.aquaticquotient.com/forum/ Most likely the answer is no. The rocks used in freshwater are more for aquascaping and they are hardly "live". Cheers JC
  18. May I check if u have cleared ur barracuda pump? THanks JC
  19. Nice to see so many reefers in Sengkang. Do also join us @ http://www.sengkang.com/forum/ Cheers JC
  20. Cool! Can see the BM working full steam now. Cheers JC
  21. Interesting how we hobbist like to change and try different stuff. I was doing arowana -> FOWLR -> SPS -> Planted and now planning to do mixed reef again. All the best to ur planted tank venture. Cheers JC
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