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Everything posted by reefcrazy

  1. hi everyone, it's been about 2 weeks since i started doisng PRODIBIO. my water has definitely become clearer and the brown nuisance algae in my tank seems to have stopped spreading. i don't have time to do a water test this week but plan to do it next week. will share my readings with you all then. happy reefing!
  2. hi bro, i couldn't find any LED Lighting info in these websites. Do you have the URL for the SEOUL website? tks.
  3. hi bros, does anyone know what are the qualities required of a LED for reef aquariums? Are we looking for kelvins, lumens, wavelengths or what. tks.
  4. hi bro, pls share your results with me also. tks.
  5. thks bro. i needed the assurance. btw, some nice reefers msg me and i found this website offering the product. i hv already place an order for a bio reef kit that supposed to include all the different types. will share my experience with you bros later. www.a-reef.com
  6. hi, has anyone used prodibio before? i read some pretty good comments about it and would like to hear our local reefers experience. also, anyone knows where to buy? below are some related links in case you are interested. http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_viewItem~idP...2331~tab~4.html http://www.petstore.com/ps_viewItem-idProd...2539-tab-4.html http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=220 http://www.fragoutpost.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3538 http://www.melevsreef.com/pics/06/03/reef_images_031906.html
  7. Hi bros, If i may suggest, you may want to try using epoxy. It won't be as pretty as using silicone since epoxy is colored. It will also be harder to scrap it off later if you should for whatever reasons decide to do that. It also will require several mins to harder. But epoxy will stay in position under water and if you put some pressure on it using your finger during the hardening minutes, it should dry eventually to stop the leak in your sump. Just my 2 cents worth but hope it helps.
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