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Acanthurus pyroferus

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Everything posted by Acanthurus pyroferus

  1. tank pics. will come soon ah^siao....now under renovation....he...he will post some of my LS first in the meantime
  2. hello Giant Bicycle , will post some gems for you soon.....
  3. Hi Gouldian , Yes I remember you for sure.... thanks for the welcome and I am glad I could be some sort of inspiration when you were starting out Currently my tank is going under some major renovation and I just finished the right section of it.....tonight will continue with the left.
  4. Tank specs : 1) 4 X 4 X 2 Square Tank with built in sump and overflow 2) 2 X Haliea Return Pumps at 2000 lits. 3) 2 X Tunze 6100 for circulation with single controller and adapter 4) 2 X DIYed FR's for Carbon & RowaPhos 5) 1 X Red Sea Classic Berlin Protien Skimmer powered by Extrema 2500 lits. 6) 1 X Artica Commercial Chiller 1/2 hp powered by Ocean Runner 3000 lits. 7) 1 X Aquamedic Lighting 2 X 250 watts X 2 X 24 watts Acthinic Blue PL 8) Not using Calcium Reactor and CO2 but dosing manually 9) Soon to arrive ZeoVit System and Grotech Reactor......
  5. Hello Fellow Reefers , Thank you all for the pm's I have received these past couple of days and your continuous encouragements and support in posting a follow up of what my tank is today..... Currently it's still going under some scrutiny about it's actual layout and an overhaul is being done to make it more interesting and pleasing to the eye. There are always so many ideas to improve and make it a better and more pleasant enviroment for the tanks inhabitants.....
  6. The commercial version is super quiet by the way....after the initial fan problem it became even quieter then expected. Sometimes I wonder if it's really working at all and I have to go near it to hear it producing some form of noise. The best chiller ever and cooling capacity is superb.
  7. doesn't matter if the mantle is pinched or not actually....if your water conditions are good there shouldn't be any problem.... Lovely tank by the way.....the anemones are super....wish I could keep one like that....*slurp*
  8. he...he...let me grow my SPS properly and will gladly give you all the frags you need.....
  9. whoa lovely SPS......*slurp*....should put more leh bubble....
  10. very empty? Are you sure or not?......he...he
  11. Moderators....you can close this thread....an early closure this time....I am outta here for good..... Boss AT....can you cancel my account....would appreciate it..... It was nice reefing here.
  12. he..he... bro.LVCAP.....the mosquito all sure fat...fat after that.....
  13. agree...absolutely I think we had better shape-up to not make any more unpleasantness but instead thrive to get a better forum going.....to those I have offended in anyway........ A BIG PEACE and APOLOGY.....
  14. *2. There is absolutely no way for moderator or whoever to stop the forming of "gangs" * it's about intervening during a discussion gone wrong or escalating into a heated argument..... not prevention of "gangs" or "sub-club" thats out of their hands.
  15. bubbles...called I-Aquarium...only fish shipment this week....
  16. ok thanks bro.Dradttg , yeah I guess a cab is a better idea....appreciate it..... so how to direct the cab to the place....sorry...never been there before out of my territory
  17. jalan kayu....yio chu kang?..... which one....he..he
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