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Acanthurus pyroferus

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Everything posted by Acanthurus pyroferus

  1. there you go as AT has said it.... I wasn't going to write all of that and make the explanation simple! so a sump is always more stable in the long term Let our experts do the talking
  2. Geo liquid is not a miracle liquid.... basically it's an anti-chlorine solution which makes top-up water more useable friendly.
  3. when ever theres a breakdown gas is produced be it in your reef system or on land. canisters have no way of releasing it's breakdown. Just one example of how we could contain our very own breakdown in our body by releasing......? I don't want to be gross here but thats just an example just imagine if one try's to contain it
  4. Hi Hector , When the breakdown of Ammonia to nitrite and finally to nitrate, a canister filter doesn't allow the release of gas from the breakdown as there is no opening in an enclosed area like a canister. The sump other wise has alot of open areas for the gas to be released through openings. Take some time to look into a tank with a sump and you will realize the openings. Thats why it is better to have a sump in the long run then a canister
  5. bought 2 of these hang-on filters just a few months ago for my 2ft tank but don't really need them anymore. Still brand new and letting go for $25.00 each.
  6. another one going for $40.00.....hurry....hurry while stocks last
  7. selling at $25 with free freeze dried cyclop-eeze....hurry...hurry while stocks last!
  8. used for my freshwater 1 1/2 feet tank before. Measurement from end of stand to stand is 24cm. Will download pic tonight!
  9. also have a 4feet PL light without stand if interested....either set will come with free cyclop-eeze
  10. Guys , I'm selling these 2 sets together for $50.00 with a free can of cyclop-eeze whole freeze dried. Bought from aquarama but my fishes don't seem to like it much....always spitting it out
  11. I don't really have HDB approval though.... I am sorry to hear your tank cracked..... What was the reason though? Thats a super large tank you had
  12. Hi Dr. Evil , ...... I thought of using the Giesemann which not only caught my attention but also the slim and decorative design. I managed to speak with the local distributor here and he's checking out the availability and stock for me. I never really knew they had a 400W bulb for such deep tanks which is impressive to say the least. Although my tank is not really that deep but the width is wide. You're right that I might have to get double sets at least. As for the chiller , I know I have to get the largest and I thought of reef relief for starters. Any opinions on what I should get and what I should avoid by reefers out there? Would certainly welcome your advise
  13. Actually I do stay in an HDB flat.... I know this tank is a ton....
  14. Thanks you guys, you all have just as just beautiful tanks fully stocked.....sigh! I have to wait a bit.
  15. sure brother you can always count on us refeers to help out if need be! I love aquascaping.
  16. I've never tried Iwaki though but I had the 2 brand new haliea for free!
  17. I think you should use the RedSea Berlin Venturi Skimmer , which is of to date is the best that I know around. It's more pricy then the rest but it's worth the money spent! foam fraction is excellent and good for ozonization
  18. This is Bali Marine....PXXXXXX MXXXXX sub company in Indonesia which had a fish only tank on show.
  19. This was PXXXXXX MXXXXX AXXXXXX display tank at Aquarama. It seems we both had the same idea at the time..... but I didn't want an Octogan shaped tank that way as it distorts the whole viewing pleasure.
  20. bar fully stocked.....all year round with snacks and wide screen t.v. for football fans and reef life documentaries pertaining to our hobby!
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