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Everything posted by mopiko

  1. i just ship in one together with bro peter order from MD. i'm currently using 1 DIY dryer works too. if you want you can have the DIY dryer after i've hook up the red sea dryer.
  2. bro take a look at this post http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=85362
  3. what sizes is the yellow belly angel? sad to say my success rate for fishes from reborn not so good
  4. bro peter tee might be getting in another order from MD. u might want to check with him.
  5. haha wow. bro, so fast decomm? hope you won't change your mind again. all the best in your sale.
  6. bro, i'm not being petty or kicking up any fuss. if you can't make up your mind you can keep it first before posting it for sale. as i believed, this is not the first time such decisions is being made by you. decom and not decom. buy and sell soon after. i hope you are not doing this, especially to any live stocks. its not issue of used or not used. i've never seen the stuffs and i don't know the condition of the salt. especially when you been buying and selling salt as fast as a speed boat. there is nothing wrong to bargain but you said 80 bucks and i agree to this price and i'm okay. its not i not going to buy it, its you that changed the deal when you have confirmed with me. thus, i made the decision not to buy at all. to sum it all, of course you definitely have the rights to post what to sell and when to sell. but do make sure what you really want to do before posting. happy reefing
  7. bro thought we confirmed the deal i'm taking all at 4.57pm today and at 5.53pm you sms me said only selling small packs .... perhaps better if you can confirm what you really want before posting. thanks.
  8. oh. so this is the fellow bro bigbird and the real bro angelove mentioned before. kena watch liao
  9. bro if there feeding AT not many pple will sell and if there is one, it be worth more than LFS.
  10. you should be able to find them along beach road. those selling fish tackles shop
  11. mine is done by yonghua coming 2 years no issues enjoy reefing
  12. bro fuel. agree. the issue is if i raise my PH but saltinity is still low the PH will be low too. rite? how to counter that?
  13. based on all the bros experience and comments seems like its environmental cause. i'm thinking of raising the PH and saltinity together slowly. what you guys think? btw, bro law i soak the feeds with selcon and vit c before feeding the fish.
  14. Qns 6) hows your denitrator flow rate like? peeing style? dripping style? best if u can measure ph in ur tank. constant, dripping flow. qns 7) in ur own perception, is ur sailfin dorsal nipped due to aggression? the top part is nip, recovering i'm more concern bout the ?sand paper" like spots on the saifin and YT. funny part is both are eating well. i've a feeling it could be cos of low PH but i'm not 100% sure if PH might cause this brown like spots and small holes. bro fuel said it sulphur pisoning could be true is aqua medic denni balls considered "sulphur"? the water dripping out is no smell and zero nitrate now.
  15. bro goudian / fuel very cheem for me.... i'm doing hypo for 10 weeks and starting to raise my salinity this week what what i do? i'm running the below 1. aquamedic nitrate reducer (denni balls) 2. po4FR 3. carbon 4. skimmer what should i do next? can i continue run the nitrate reducer instead of off as bro fuel said and slowly raise the salinity? so in time the parimeter will return to normal? PH is low due to hypo condition. ...
  16. thanks bro i give it a try. dun think its another strains of white spots as the rest of the fish are alright. in fact, the YT have small brown spots and small holes as well. you manage to save your trigger previously? hope the rest of the fish dun get it....
  17. hi bro i kept my salinity at 1.009 - 1.010... for 10 weeks no new fish added...
  18. thanks bro. what is sodium bicarbonate.? how to add into the water and what is the ideal PH range for FOWLR? yeap i've a PH monitor.
  19. ya true tot look like velvet but read velvet will wipe out all live stock within 8 days... hope more bros will chip in see what need to be done...
  20. yes bro fuel, i doing hypo now pH little low and running denitrator with denni balls and also slowly rising the salt level now. your blue throat recover? bro lemon, at first i tot was velvet but no new fish was added and it been 3 weeks. what should i do next?
  21. hello my sailfin and yellow tang have this strange disease (see attached). i'm sure its not white spots as the tank been in hypo for coming 10 weeks, this strange spots been around for almost 3 weeks. the sainfin tang have "sand paper" like spots on the skin and the yellow tang have some brown spots and there is small little holes as well. rest of the fishes are fine. all the fish are eating well. anyone know what disease this is?
  22. he have change his mobile no. here is the one in service Ah soon (yong hua) +6581896878 +60127079825
  23. here you go http://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=127007
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