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Everything posted by puffermash

  1. I second the thoughts on publishing ... because I'm eyeing the Editor-in-Chief position (since AT will be Editor). Yours truely was also an Editor before. I think a magazine and a website are two different things. You could go do something along the lines of UK's Practical Fishkeeping. I don't think there will be a lack of advertisers.
  2. Thanks, Siput, Tybrobin, and AP (hard to spell), for your inputs. I am hoping to get a tank with overflow, sump, piping and cabinet (ideally with louvres) for about $1000. I don't know how realistic this is! Less of course would be better. Siput - could you give me the address of the shop you mentioned?? Tank Maker - wherefore art thou??
  3. Hello All, I would like to upgrade to a 4ft tank with cabinet and sump. I am relatively new to the hobby - have had a 2ft for a year. Could someone advise a good place to buy such a setup? Should I get someone to build me one for cost-effectiveness?
  4. Hi, I'm interested in your chiller. May I know why you're selling it?
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