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Everything posted by BFG

  1. Terkopak lagi beg duit aku. Ada flame angel, potteri angel dan rics!
  2. Beli yang kecik punya. Yang besar tak boleh selit2 kat tempat sempit.
  3. You don't know what is happening, please refrain from replying in this thread. Go and prepare yourself for your syllabus for your studies in school.
  4. Rockyboy, tu ikan kira show piece dalam tank kau ke? Cantik....
  5. BETUL............. Tapi, bukan selalu gua beli ikan mahal2. Ni time ada sen extra sikit, nanti bulan2 yang lain dah tak boleh beli apa2 lagi. Gambar ikan peppermint ada, kat forum lain ada tunjuk tu ikan. Mascot mereka.
  6. Kaya tu tak lah, cuma dah simpan cukup2. Next target Peppermint angel........
  7. Mmmmyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssstttttttttttteeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy........... ...satu lapan.....
  8. Tak nampak pun tu pictilis anthias semalam aku pegi. Wrasse banyak tapi mampu beli satu aje.................
  9. Stocklist dari Pulau hantu.........eh, Vanuatu nampak dahsyat. Nak kena pegi ni nampaknya.
  10. What is your feeding regime for your livestock? Can you list down the stuff you feed to the tank on a daily basis?
  11. Malam ni jadi tak? Sapa2 yang nak pegi?
  12. Post his nick and the story...........
  13. East side sekarang hujan lebat! Gua agak gua cancel malam ni punya trip pasal yang besok pulak ada Vanuatu shipment masuk.
  14. Started my saltwater tank because of the red firegoby. I have tried mixing both purple and red but it's always the same result, the stronger species will be left swimming. Now only have a pair of red but 1 is in the overflow compartment and the other is getting more and more healthy and aggressive, it can stare and even flare at my flameback without backing down. I had a dream of mixing all 3 species but that might just be an expensive lesson to go through.
  15. Sapa2 kat sini selalu order barang online? Aku ada nak order tapi takde credit card. Boleh tolong?
  16. print tu lepas tu bakar dan minum.........confirm boleh ingat punya.
  17. Anyone tried this before? Is this available in Singapore? Look promising. www.coralfrenzy.com/
  18. Need to built something for this equipment to sit onto the sump. Will talk to my engineer soon.
  19. Dah selamat dah dalam tangan. Cuma nak kena buat rack special sikit untuk letak dalam sump. 2 channel pakai untuk A dan K element dan satu lagi untuk dose Marine snow. Aku rasa macam tak cukup, nak kena tangkap lagi 1. Nanti aku discuss sikit dengan engineer aku untuk buat rack untuk ni benda.
  20. I've read somewhere in RC that LaMotte hydrometer are the most accurate one to get compared to other hydrometer. Does anyone know where to get this brand of hydrometer? I do have a refractometer but just want to get something good to compare to.
  21. Best thing to do now is to leave the tank alone for 2 month to let the cycle complete. Do not add any livestock into that tank. Switch off the lights to prevent algae from growing. Do not change water for now but only after the 2 month cycle. Be patient or else you won't be successful and don't cheat. Use the KISS method for now.
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