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Everything posted by BFG

  1. I like the wedge tail wrasse. Where did you get it?
  2. Concealing the wire can be done but you had added water, sand and live rock so it's gonna be a challenge. You could run the wire at 1 corner of the tank but my concern is when you need to do maintenance on the pump.
  3. Hahaha!!! Ambik kau ubat! Mat salleh cakap "Take your medicine!!!"
  4. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...hreadid=1167351
  5. Can't think of anything right now. Unless you want to go with those controller/monitor equipment like Aquatronica or Iks Aquastar.
  6. Hmm, I was thinking that you would go for a Tunze TS24, a kalkwasser reactor and a top-up device?
  7. Hat's off to you! Really an impressive setup. You've got all the basic equipment ( as far as I can see ) from the start. A few more essentials and you're good to go.
  8. Dia makan lah hammer punya tentacle. Sampai botak! Sekarang nak kumpul duit lepas tu beli 10 flameback! Campur flame, potter, shepardi,fisher,golden dan centropyge lain yang sewaktu dengannya.
  9. wow, lapan page dah berlalu ya. Ada berita baik ni, dragonet yang aku beli hari tu dah bermula makan mysid! Sekarang mandarin dan dragonet dah kira success! Ada lagi satu species mandarin aku nak try nanti. Berita buruk pulak, Brazillian flameback dah tak nampak tinggal 1 African flameback. Ni dah nombor 4 flameback dah dipanggil pulang ke pangkuan rahmatullah. Dalam sama liputan, hammer yang dibeli dari GO sudah dibedal oleh True Percula aku. Tak lama lagi ni 2 ekor akan dipindahkan.
  10. Hari tu bila Iwarna ada shipment, ada 2,3 sailfin kecik molek.
  11. Copperband, lu pernah makan udang curry?
  12. Agree! Got mine changed from CL-650 to ChillDown chiller. Less hot than the CL-650 chiller. Completely different performance in term of hot air produced. Personally wanted to get a 1/3hp Arctica but went with this chiller instead. Best part is that there is not a need for a dedicated pump to use this chiller, save more electric!
  13. Kesian tu mandarin, diseksa mati kebulur..... Tak cukup makan.....
  14. Wavemaker-Tunze TS24 comes with 2 x 6100 Tunze Stream controllable wavemaker and 1 Tunze Multi Controller 7095. The 2 x 6100 Stream also comes with 2 Tunze magnet holder. This is a packaged system. The Multi Controller can control up to 4 controllable Tunze Stream wavemaker. The controller can control the amount of flow needed for the 2 Stream to pump. There are individual controller for each wavemaker pump. Return Pump-Red Dragon 8m3, 8000lt/hr using 75watts only. 8m3 model and above will have titanium roller bearing. Need to check what diameter of your pvc is. Too small and the whole pvc piping might vibrate. Fluidized Reactor-This depend on how large your water volume is. Also, some model are taller and might not fit in your cabinet. I am currently using 2 Little Fishes for my 4ft tank. I believe all are the same, just that which design you prefer. Hope this helps!
  15. Ah, cakap pasal cd, aku dah tangkap dvd Metallica Cunning Stunts dan dvd Metallica S & M. Terkopak $80++.
  16. His seahorse tank got no wavemaker. I also got a tigertail sea cucumber but the black sea cucumber ones I saw at iwarna are small, like the length of a thumb, better for his setup. Tigertail usually are bigger when they are for sale, longer than the length of a palm and could be an eyesore for his sea horse setup. Scared everytime he took a pic of his seahorse tank can see a part of the tigertail sea cucumber.
  17. As, kalau nak quote, jangan buang quote yang terakhir. Nak baca ada sikit punya susah......
  18. I know mollies can survive in saltwater. Seen a reefer with a few black mollies in his tank and they bred too but somehow disappear 1 by 1.
  19. Gua takde cameralah. Tiger tail sea cucumber gua dah dalam batu2, jadi susah nak keluarkan. Lagipun, dia menjalankan tugasnya dengan bagus pasal pasir semua nampak bersih. Sapa2 ada camera datanglah besok petik gambar.
  20. Apa lagi, petik gambar sump dengan skimmer baru tu lah.
  21. Get a sea cucumber for the sandbed. Saw some small ones at Iwarna, black ones.
  22. Woke up from a 13hr sleep. Since you have a fowlr, get the skimmer and chiller 1st. If there's more funds, get the wavemaker and fluidized reactor. 1st stage. 2nd stage-Kalkwasser reactor, Tunze Osmolator, a container to hold distilled water,Deltec calcium reactor with Rowalith C+, co2 tank with solenoid and regulator, timers, ph controller, additives. Get these before adding coral. Take your time and don't rush. It's better to have all the equipment connected and operating before adding any livestock. Do the necessary homework regarding equipment.
  23. Just called, all sold.........
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