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Everything posted by BFG

  1. The best practice is not to add lfs water into your tank period. It's due to this reason and other such as spreading disease, algae spore, aiptasia spore and what not. Never, ever add lfs water into your tank.
  2. I can't wait for the next installment. I didn't know it was a weekly series. Saw Brian Greene, so he is out of retirement?
  3. Tonight is the night, 9pm on BBC channel 407.
  4. Watch for this documentary, Pacific Abyss this sunday on BBC channel 407 at 9pm.
  5. I think I want to rescape my tank and take out the green wrasse and the vlamingi tang. I will keep dwarf angel ( which I have 3 different sp ),a school of redspot cardinal fish, a school of aioliops megastigma, a few sp of cirrhilabrus and some other small fish, none that should be too large than the chalk basslet. Which lfs can I place the order for the redspot and aioliops megastigma?
  6. I got it from a friend whose tank leaked. I believe it's cirrhilabrus rubriventralis. Found similar picture at google image just now. How much does this fish cost?
  7. Looks likely cirrhilabrus condei. How much do this cost? It's a well behaved fish and I want to get more.
  8. Review of this salt from user at RC. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1756032
  9. I have 1 but don't know what sp it is. Red body but lower half is white. Used to have 3 but left only 1.
  10. I can feel the force in this one.....
  11. I think I am infected with the cirrhilabrus fever liao.
  12. I fail to search it here. But I remember distinctively that the sine wave produced by the UPS is not the same as the sine wave the motor in our equipment use. Hence, the motor might get damaged if used with UPS that is created for pc and server. I even remember that the UPS seller in the thread warned against using the UPS for equipment power back up, same reasoning too.
  13. You can add the salt to the sump directly but you need to add very low level of salt at a time. If the salt dissolve immediately, should be no problem. But if the salt did not dissolve and is sucked into the pump to the main tank, the salt crystal might damage coral tissue or discomfort the fish. Also, if the saltt is sucked into the skimmer, the skimmer foam would collapse.
  14. As far as I understand from reading at RC, the cloudiness is caused by increased bacteria population. The cloudy water is not waste water, it is water with a very high amount of bacteria, which is consuming the Nitrate and Phosphate in the water column. You can't compensate with algae scrubber as the algae do not consume the bacteria but the nitrate and phosphate. Keep using the skimmer and do not turn it off or your tank will experience low oxygenation level and this will affect your current live stock. If the coral and fishes look normal and are not distress, leave your set up alone, the cloudiness should disappear. Hope this helps!
  15. Online purchase I think. New product launched this year. Can pester your tankmaker to get for you, you might be the 1st one here using it in SG. From Italy if I'm not wrong.
  16. Sis, you might want to use this for your new tank. You might need 2 for your tank size and all the piping is on the outside and at the back. Once the back is covered with oyama paper, you can't see anything and there are no ugly overflow box to look at. http://reefbuilders.com/2010/05/22/video-xinout-action-xaqua-interzoo-booth/ A close look at the parts. http://reefbuilders.com/2010/07/05/xaquas-xinout-gets-a-full-hands-on-and-a-little-bit-of-testing/#more-20815 http://reefbuilders.com/2010/05/15/xinout-xaqua-wavemaking-return-device/ Hope this helps!
  17. Due to bacteria activation. It is best to place the bio pellet before the skimmer so that the skimmer would catch the majority of the effluent. As far as I know, the cloudiness will disappear but that depend on how your skimmer performance is. If it's a sub-par skimmer, you're in trouble as it is a well known fact that you need to have a good or an over-sized skimmer to use the bio pellet. The cloudiness should disappear in a few days.
  18. If you have a space in your sump to grow chaeto, do it. All it need to grow are high nutrient and a 6500k-ish light source. Don't let it grow too thick or the chaeto would grow slow. Once it increase in volume, cut half away to throw or give to other reefer who wants it.
  19. What about center overflow? You have a lot of space for live rock structure on the left and right side. A 2.5ft to 3ft wide tank is nice.
  20. This is really affordable! I might go for it. Yes I agree. Ever since I injured my back last year, I was worried how to carry the co2 cylinder for top-up. I have slip disc from a fall at work and can't carry heavy stuff anymore that's why I customized an acrylic box with 3 compartment to hold ca, alk and mg. Thanks for sharing!
  21. If you have this many harlequin, suggest you feed them crown of thorn starfish, their natural diet, help to save the reef too by taking the crown of thorn from the wild as these starfish kills coral.
  22. There are dwarf species, ML sold some before. But honestly, it is quite pricey and they only live for 2 years at the most with 18 month being the norm. If you bought the adult, you'll have only months till this guy degrade and die. Just realized I am talking about dwarf cuttlefish, not octopus.
  23. You might ask the contractor doing the maintenance whether they can provide an extension to your tank. Have to search way back in SRC. Maybe try searching for UPS in this forum.
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