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Everything posted by BFG

  1. Me think this chaoti and all leopard wrasse are too fragile. I've tried a number of them, latest last year around September, with a small number of fish in a 4ft tank and they only last a month despite them feeding heavily and not being harassed. Now am staying away from this species.
  2. To each his own. Btw, will helfrichi co-habit with 12 fairy wrasse?
  3. Lower the flow rate or change all 3 media.
  4. Remove the water. She might stay at a corner till she is immobilized and then you can pick her up. Add back the water but do it slowly as not to disturb the sand bed, less all the accumulated nasties are churned back in the water. Have a few gallon of new salt mixed water ready to off set and dirty water.
  5. You could use a magnet instead of siliconing it so that you'll have much more adjustability of the water level.
  6. Add a pair of clownfish and the problem should go away.
  7. I've found a trick to remove them without force but it need to be done out of the tank, including moving their base to which they are attached to. Done this without adverse effect to their health due to the fact that I've bought a batch of 10 and left them in the plastic container for too long till they stick to it. What you need to do is to remove the rock they are attached to and find a way to hang that rock upside down, out of the water. Gravity will do it's work and they will fall off in less than 2 hours. When it falls off, wet it with a few drip of water from the tank to keep it wet. Get the base that you want it to stick to and place the mini anemone there, still out of water. It should adhere to the new place in half an hour or so. Keep the surface parallel to the orientation of the mini anemone so that it does not slide off to whatever base you want it to stick to. It may take longer in some case so just drip a bit of your tank water to it, there's no need to have a constant dripping of water to it. After it has successfully adhere to the intended base, place it in a low flow area for a few days and finally place it where you want it to be. My personal observation with this mini anemone is that they will move to find the best lighting spot. I've successfully managed to get all 10 of mine onto a single fake rock with the above method but they will try to overlap each other to find that nice spot of light source. Those that are not successful will move with the water current, believe me, as I've found 2 that is at the other end of my 4 footer tank. They will lose their color to the point of looking like a bleach mini anemone but I've seen mine recovering so slowly when they are exposed to lighting again. Hope this helps!
  8. Sump overflow? How did you set the water level? It is a well known fact that when the pump stop, water will either be sucked down via the return pump as well as from the remnant water in the overflow box. Looking from the pics, only 1 side of the cabinet is supported while the other is not. This might cause the cabinet to warp and will stress the tank silicone to the point it will leak.
  9. Any tips on how to bring fish back safely to singapore?
  10. Look for Turkey Baster at premium grocery stores.
  11. Chiller inside what? Chiller is outside the cabinet, at the side.
  12. It might cost the same as a regular marine tank setup. A 2ft cube tank, a strong skimmer eg Reef Octopus 2000, a return pump eg Eheim 1260, a chiller probably a 1/5 max and lighting. No over flow compartment in the tank as they might squeeze into that area.
  13. Get a new tank with thicker glass and proper bracing. Your freshwater tank might not be able to handle a saltwater condition due to the additional weight of the water and the amount of liverock you may need to use.
  14. Best thing to do is to read the facts in the internet. Some facts for you to consider is that they live for only 2 years or so, usually less. The tank need to be sealed at night as they are known to be an escape artist, you might not find them in the tank the next day. They are very strong and are intelligent and can squeeze through holes you thought might be impossible. Crabs are their main diet and they ate a few in a sitting, this will determine your feeding budget. You need a strong skimmer to remove the black ink they gives off when they are frightened. And they do bite. Saw the ones at Ah Beng shop yesterday.
  15. Just grin and bear with it. In these type of circumstances, buying lower wattage equipment really helps in the long run and proper planning of equipment is essential to achieve efficiency. It is already possible to have a skimmer and a return pump that uses 100w or less together. The bulk of the electricity consumption is the chiller follow by the lighting.
  16. The way I see it, it is ideal for small size fish stock. Any tang will look out of place in such low height tank. With an auto top-up system like the Tunze Osmolator and the use of chiller, evaporation rate can be easily controlled. Salt crust is not an issue in the display area. A wave maker should not be used at 100% to limit the chance of water getting over the tank rim. It look like a tide pool biotope though.
  17. Relax bro, I do read and always look forward to what you guys might post in this thread. Most of the fish species are new to me as I am a convert from the planted tank scene and has been a reefer since 4 years ago. But you got to understand that what excite you or you deemed as beautiful might not be to another person. Most reefer are not confrontational in the forum and might just skip reading parts of your reply when you compare a species to another and saying that this species doesn't take your attention or warrant your interest and such. We can see that you have a vast knowledge of fishes in this forum. But the main thing is that reefer has varying taste. Some keep to a strict stock list while others might replace a dead fish with a new one on a whim! Sometimes a fad is created in the hobby and most reefer might jump on the bandwagon to get what they want during that time. It might be fish or it might be corals at that point of time. But you got to realized that it takes time for someone to gain the knowledge and appreciate the beauty of such fishes and am willing to spend to acquire them. So my advice is for you to keep doing what you're doing and some day, some one might benefit from the knowledge in this thread.
  18. Medicated plaster? Go for the real thing!
  19. Oh oh, I see a green wrasse in the tank.....
  20. What the fishcake?!? Which guy wants to be like Sam?
  21. I am also using a drop in coil chiller but mine is inside my house, just next to the tank. The heat coming out of this chiller is not an issue in my home as it takes about 25 minute to chill from 26c to 25c. Previously was using a Resun CL650 and it was quite hot in my home that it damaged my dad's Coca cola can collection. My tank is a 4x2x2 with a 3ft sump in a 6ft cabinet. The reason some of us are using 'over power' chiller is that it helps when the weather is getting hot. Getting a snugly fit chiller might not be a good choice though when the hot months are upon us. The chiller might be straining to work in the hot weather while a higher rating chiller easily overcome the hot weather. Less stress for tank owners to think about as I've experienced a chiller break down once and I do not want to go through it again as the number of corals lost during that incident is worth the extra money spent to get a larger hp chiller.
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