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Everything posted by Jimng

  1. Nice rics.....all so bubbly....lovely....
  2. Woah......your zoos, rics and monti are .....
  3. All the chio chio zoos....awsome!.....
  4. Yep, i second that - xenia
  5. more contributions.......i think im goin zoo crazy.....
  6. Yo BH....no offense, try to do some lugol dip.....i think i am seeing some flatworms on them (from the pics, not confirm).....better be safe than sorry.....
  7. Wow....250W....ur zoos colors should be.... btw....my chapalan mixture also include pyto and Marc Weiss stuffs...
  8. I just get some water from the tank, mix in vitachem, AA, mysis , GP, cyclopeze.....chapalan.. , use a turkey blaster and blast the sps, zoos, lps at night when the lights goes off........only once every week.... some zoos may be too stressed and takes time for them to fully open up....
  9. Oh ya...and i have wrasse in the tank to keep any nudi or sundial snail escapees in check....
  10. This is what i usually do: New zoos - flush with fresh water-easier but heard before it may affect zoo health/color - use lugol dip (more troublesome but definitely easier on the zoo-not so stressful) In the tank -maintain good stable water parameters -maintain a good flow around the zoos -Give them good lights (for myself 150W MH x2, US folks can push it to 400W ) -Blast GP, mysis, vitamin mix....at them once a week.... Jus what i practised..... zoos
  11. Finally.......the winner is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bro zephyros - Bid price $48 You get the gem and the FREE frag.....let me know when you will be collecting. Cheers......
  12. Close bidding.....that makes it exciting and fun..... PM me you final bid....quick quick.....
  13. 15 mins to closing.......highest bid still $48......
  14. So quiet.....ok Highest bidder currently for open bid: Bro zephyros -$48 if no other bidder bid through close bidding, this gem and FREE frag will go to Bro Zephyros...... Close bidding after this message, pls sent your bid to me via PM.....
  15. Some changes to this bidding system for this thread......to make it more fun.... At the last hour 2130 -2230 today, the system will change to a close bidding. I will annouce the last open bid price @ around 2130, reefers interested in this will have to pm me their bid price and HP nos. (Entry into thread after this timing will not count) I will post the highest bid price at intervals occasionally before the final closing time 2230, at 2231, i will announce the final successful bidder.... The decision for the successful highest bidder by the pm timing received by me will be FINAL...... Cheers!
  16. Wow....Tunze 6060 for $100......good price...
  17. ......5 oclock......good mood......since now the zoos trend is on.... spice up this thread a little.....successful bidder will also get a "FREE" frag of the zoos shown in this pics......the "HOT GREEN ENVY", at least 4 to 5 polyps......
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