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Everything posted by Jimng

  1. This Saturday got to attend Friends Church wedding @ 2pm......noon should be ok...need to make some adj to duties then go straight from session......Onz....
  2. HAHAHA.....this one damned funny... ....lucky i sham this part that day.....
  3. not master lar, so many masters lurking around, wait kanna hamtam only.... i am only a monti crazy guy. Got crazy over montis....
  4. You tot i kenna last week big sweep ah.... nvrmind, today toto still got chances.....
  5. Wah BMW.....i liked the 6 series more.....
  6. Am currently considering changing/upgrading my tank, looking for 2nd hand aquatechnic tank, 3ft and above. Any reefers have any lobang, let me know Thanks!
  7. Vincent, is this the one you refering to, from PR also? Check out this RC thread : http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=586853 (I wouldn't have spotted this if not for Dan - )
  8. Vincent, the devil and angel are both inside you lar......
  9. A very good case study to warn members to be cautious while doing trading/buying and selling. I think it is good to have this pinned-up in the buy/sell forum to remind all to beware and be warned- what say you? Well done! BATMAN, the time and effort to track this down for the good of the SRC, the population of SRC will definitely back you up to do justice in our little reef community.
  10. Up for you......very nice guy, help me to carry and give free gifts somemore.... really CRAZY sale....
  11. WOW!!!.....SHOCKING NEON COLORS even in pictures.........cannot imagine how it will look like when you get to stand in front of it.......so this tank is BB + Zeovit then GH.......really sets new targets for everyone to strive for....... This hobby is really challenging and addictive....
  12. >"but" i did saw 1 on my digitata... Oh....i meant "and" - monti digitata... Here's a good link on them with very good pictures.... http://www.reeffarmers.com/tracygraynudi01.htm
  13. You have to give em' time to fully digest the food.....
  14. Ya lor...hehe.... Actually milli polyps too long hide the milli real colours, i prefer them not extending the polyp too much...anyone knows the reason why in some tanks, their polyps were all stretched out whilst some tanks exhibit millis with short polyps? Do you think it's the Aminos dosing? For my tank, all the millis stretched out their polyps and i dose Aminos.
  15. bro, monti colony lar.....but i did saw 1 on my digitata... .....it's totally white like ghost.....looks just like a nudi lor.. .....when you see white patches on the monti....that's where they will be, sometimes hiding in crevices and shady areas....some size can be quite big...ard 5-8mm Until now, dont know which wrasse eats them but believe they get harrassed by the wrasse....(i always see my six line fat fat in the morning previously- ..but they are agressive.. ) In RC, some believe and had proved the grass wrasse eats zoathid nudi, some believe banana wrasse, but no clue for monti nudi.......
  16. That is really a pest........remember i was telling you guys that my six line jumped out and i was happy that i can finally look for more peaceful wrasse to put in my tank.....gosh......2-3 weeks without a wrasse and i discovered this pest on my monti, a few of my colonies got hit.......now still fighting, every night shine torchlight and suck em out slowly....had since put in a banana wrasse. I concur with dipping with lugol+SW instead of FW....FW is too drastic change for the corals, sensitive sps and monti cannot take this kind of stress..... btw, The purple rim monti is really a beauty....slurp slurp
  17. Agree... Simon, your sps are really colouring up nicely..... tank r getting very chio...
  18. Bro, under 20k lights....everything looks good lar.... Thanks for the encouragement...
  19. superglue gel market research information....Thanks....
  20. They are extremely hardy.....i've got a really small pin head frag that was accidentally ripped off another frag.....it was left unattended and guess what, it grew back into another head. FWIE: -feeding makes them grow fast and they spread readily -Some tangs (especially purple) may develop a taste for it and keep munching on them....that's the time it will get really stressed -They dont really need a lot of lights or flow
  21. I don't think many reefers are able to keep them successfully in our closed reef system......supposed to be a very difficult species to keep - as usual, very beautiful but not when it becomes botak.....
  22. That's a conscientious reefer...kudos to you for not falling into temptations.....
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