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Everything posted by mengyang_neo

  1. Long time never update, busy with exam and after exam when to perth for my grad trip. 2 weeks after i return the tank is in a mess, zoa not open and the tank is full of algae. Changed 10% of the water and start to do some cleaning up. So far no fish or coral were killed during my trip. These are the update.
  2. Looking for the above, please pm me the age, price and the location to collect. Thanks. =)
  3. Looking for 2 of the above, if u have one for sale please contact me at 91507814 or pm me.
  4. WTB the above, if u have 1 or 2 please contact me 91507814 or pm me. Thanks. =)
  5. Anyone going down to reborn can help to check if there r anymore yellow eye kole tang? Thanks. =)
  6. Pm Peter tee, i think he still have some left. =)
  7. Ok will take note of this point. Thanks. =)
  8. Last paper tml and i am free. =)

  9. Wow i also face the same problem of (1) and (4), althought my nitrate and phosphates are very low, time to run carbon also. =)Thanks for sharing your finding.
  10. Bro reborn got a few piece when i was there last week, look stable but not feeding yet. Maybe u can call them to check if they r feeding now. =)
  11. Yo peter got my pump now liao. Anyone got tunze 6025 or 6045 to sell? Thanks. =)
  12. Looking for 2 tunze 6025 and aquabee 2000, please pm me the age, the price u r looking for and finally the collecting please. Thanks. =)
  13. Left the following, 4 poly of bright orange yuma, 1 green yuma, 3 poly of purple and green yuma. Selling everything for $40. Can contact me at 91507814.
  14. Bro solo77 post picture of your full tank shot lay. =)
  15. Hi bro maybe u can try arofanatics.com. Most of the people there keep arowana or monster fishes, easier to get 2nd hand big tank there. =)
  16. hee not GEMS la, but going for full zoa tank. =)
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