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Everything posted by mengyang_neo

  1. Yup totally agree, clearer shrimp will just step over the LPS or zoa making them close up during feeding. Fire shrimp not so bad. Once they r in the tank hard to catch them out also.
  2. Wow very nice open concept scaping together with the SPS, coral and fishes. Perfect combination.
  3. Yesterday my sunsun wavemaker is sucking in water instead of creating wave. Maybe is good to check the wavemaker once ina while.

    1. Solo77


      On and off the power till it turn normal again, can give a try.

    2. pokmingsheng


      time to change brand :D

    3. mengyang_neo


      Hee ya lor, I on and off a few time until it turn normal, cannot change brand for now, saving up for a new light first. =)

  4. Yesterday my sunsun wavemaker is sucking in water instead of creating wave. Maybe is good to check the wavemaker once ina while.

  5. Hi bro, nice SPS with good colouration and poly extention. Hee interested in the fiji pipe organ also, keep me in the loop when it grow into a colony and u are fraging. Thanks.
  6. Hi bro, I have 2, if u r interested can sms me, 91507814. Btw I am stay at buangkok crescent.
  7. There is a website for N30, maybe u can go check it out. Hi silverfish, i feel if u already know what design u want for the tank and cabinet then i think it is cheaper to get from N30, yong hua or lim64. This few are all very active in arofanatics and all got good review, u can ask them for quotation. Lim64 Offer custom made quality tank/cabinet and stand. Tank constructed using Japan Asahi Glass, full machine polished edges with Dow Corning silicon, using silicon-in-glass methodology. Cabinet constructed using chenggai wooden structure with traditional joint. with long life cycle guaranteed. Proven filtration in applicaton of total more than 1000 arowanas comm tanks. All custom designs for marine, planted and fresh water aquarium. Check out our Christmas/New Year Promotions......... Sales inquiry : 91065198 N30 •Wholesale & retail manufacturers of glass aquariums • Wholesale & retail manufacturers of Cabinets • Customized Tanks, furniture style cabinet and aquarium cabinet, stands (Stainless steel, wooden, wrought iron stand) and hoods. • Comprehensive range of filters, pumps and accessories • Aquarium Makeover • Aquascaping for planted tank / marine / fresh water tank • Maintenance for Planted Tank / Marine / Pond • Contact us with all your aquatic needs • Mirror Installition, Glass Work, Crystal Glass, Temperted Glass, Sand Blasting • Acrylic Tanks of all shapes and sizes • All Enquiries are welcome We also provide maintence services for your tanks. We welcome Both Corporate And Residential Enquiries N30 Tank Gallery: http://photobucket.com/N30 N30 Web Site: www.n30.com.sg Contacts: 96672353 (Weeyang) FAX: 64810923 E-mail: Weeyang19@yahoo.com.sg Web: www.n30.com.sg Address: Blk5038 AMK IND PK 2 #01-427 S(569541) Yong Hua HP 81896878.(sg) / +6012-7079825 (my) YONG HUA (Soon) Overall I feel yong hua is the cheapest, u can call them and get them to quote u.
  8. Nice tank bro, Hee the golden clover really grow quite a lot, remember that time your flame angel nip till only left a few poly. Well done.
  9. Hmm if you go google on sun coral pest, you will find that there are some nudis that feed on suncoral, but it is quite uncommon.
  10. Hmmm yellow wrasse is more for preventive method, you will have to get coral rx or freshwater drip your zoa. Do it now before the nudis start to lay egg and that is where your night mare start. That time I take my time, end up the nudis start to lay egg, coral rx is unable to kill the egg. So you will have to use coral rx a few more time and hand catch them at night for the rest of the weeks. I do that for a few mth before they are finally gone.
  11. Ok thanks for the reply. I bought the baking powder instead lucky never dose.
  12. Hi, Is baking Powder and baking soda powder the same? from the net there is a different when u are baking cake, but to increase the ALK can I dose baking powder instead of baking soda?
  13. How about the height constrain? I have a DIY skimmer body pm me if u r interested. Thanks.
  14. Nope it will not die, I have a sun coral that dun open for 4-5 week. Try to change the position, it might open up after a few day.
  15. Whose number? Arie or Angelfishz? Whose number? Arie or Angelfishz? Hmmm look like the same number?
  16. Yup same volume of water. Your tank has 2.5ft width, if u place the rock correctly will have a very nice indepth look, while mine because of the width constrain look very 2D.
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