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Everything posted by mengyang_neo

  1. Long time never update, colour of SPS not as good as last time, maybe because I am using tap water with saltmix for water change, a lot of my sps also stn. Haiz if possible will go get the DI resin today and hopefully the colour and health of SPS will come back.
  2. Yup i think they look the same except around the eye area. Hee the price is a big gap. =p
  3. Up, the set come with hood which is in my store room and all the light tube is almost new. =)
  4. Everything right, colour come back. =)

    1. cedricang


      Well done bro, tumbs up !

  5. Wow super nice tank. impressive.
  6. Hi guy just to share some of my few mth experience on SPS and angel from different family. Up to date, I have a few kind of angel all from different family. Flame Angelfish - Centropyge loricula Bellus Angel - Genicanthus bellus King Angel - Holacanthus passer Cortez Angel - Pomacanthus zonipectus Blue Faced Angel - Pomacanthus (Euxiphipops) xanthometopon Regal Angel - Pygoplites Diacanthus Hmmm in general, they are quite reef safe in my almost full SPS tank except for the King Angel - Holacanthus passer, it will actually nip on the flesh of my monti causing it to be botak. Although I feed my tank quite heavily everyday, Dr G food twice a day, 4 cube of mysis everyday and random feeding of pellet. I think maybe is the itch mouth of the King angel, but haha it is still a beauty and I dun mind lossing some monti. So for people with full SPS tank and dun want to loss any gem then try to avoid the Holacanthus family.
  7. Up, light tube just changed for the ATI sunpower. =)
  8. looking for small gold flake angel.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eniram


      Your quest is almost complete

    3. TayHongSiang


      shd be feeding already...from previous hawaiian shipment...comes towards me the min i go near...confirmed chopped stamped feeding

    4. mengyang_neo


      hee okok will go and take a look. =)

  9. Increase the price then give 20% discount = not much different..........=(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mengyang_neo


      Haha cause I can get the tube cheaper at petmart which is walking distance from my workplace. lol

    3. mengyang_neo


      Then i travel to a further place and get a more ex tube. =p

    4. orsony


      Set more tank in your office lah

  10. Finally my yellow belly regal is feeding.... =)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TayHongSiang


      wow...goldflake n king huh!...but i tot u changing to a 3x2x2 tank?

    3. mengyang_neo


      nope if someone get my tank then i will upgrade to a 3x3x2ft tank. If not I will just keep my existing tank.

    4. TayHongSiang


      clap clap...wish u success bro!

  11. Nice choice but very soon u will have to upgrade liao. =P Btw good to plan which angel to go in first, dun be like me, just buy when I see a healthy one. Now having difficult adding new angel due to my blue face. =(
  12. my total electricity usage per month is around 1234kWh. 5rm flat with 4 person plus 1 dog and a 5x1.5x2ft ft reef tank using T5, always on aircon for 2 rooms except mine at night. Chiller set at 27.5 Pretty high electricity.
  13. Anyone know when AM will have new stock of ATI blueplus?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. georgekoh84


      have you tried to get from other source?

    3. mengyang_neo


      i see, i ask them them also told me the same thing, hopefully will come end of Aug

    4. mengyang_neo


      Yup i ask around but AM still offer the best price. 20% for each tube and buy 3 get 1 free.

  14. Up for the morning. This set of lighting is able to keep most of the SPS and any other coral, so one do need to source out for other lighting. With the tank it is almost plug and play. I will include the return pump also. =)
  15. Power la so many angel in your tank liao, lol everytime u change plan is fast and furious.
  16. Hee yup has been thinking about it. Thanks =p Nope maybe going for a 3x3x2ft tank. =) Hee no need la, see when u free just pop by my place. =)
  17. hi bros n sis, juz wanna gauge interest..may wanna sell away my 5x1.5x2ft tank wif sump, hood n cabinet with ATI sunpower 4 x 80 T5 (8mths) and Delighting retrofit 2x 80w T5(3mths) for $1100, used for 1.5 yr, top and bottom bracing for all sides. reason for selling is bcos i may wanna upgrade to a bigger one...cabinet warranty stil left 3.5 yrs from YongHua...pls let me know if any one is interested..thks. Buyer will have to wait for 1 mth before I can hand over the tank and the light set. Picture will be found from my tank thread Gary 91507814
  18. Nice, looking forward to more picture. =)
  19. Omg i bought a Cortez Angel instead of french angel. =(

    1. sunny03


      wow got space to swim or not ... where are the pic?

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