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Everything posted by mengyang_neo

  1. Very nice clown, best to put down the price u have in mind so that it is easier for buyer to decide.
  2. No la, dun do that, it will make it worst. Most likely the bac boom is due to bio pellet. Nothing inside the tank, so the extra bac escape in the tank and cause the bac boom. Give it sometime, when the system stable the cloudy will disappear, or u can turn off the bio pellet.
  3. Wow how many pair of clown do u have? They will not fight? Impressive.
  4. Hmmm the parameter look good, just need to boost up the Ca and it will be good for SPS tank. =)
  5. Got the above full black face Black Ocellaris Pair for sale at $100. Sizes are 2.5" and 2" and they are with me for more than a year. Collection at Buangkok Crescent Pls contact me if interested, 91507814.Thanks
  6. Hmmm actually salinity is affected by temperature, so when your temperature go down, salinity will go up. When I am cycling my tank, at 30 degree, salinity is 1.025 when temp go down to 26, salinity go up to 1.030.
  7. Left the following 2)DIY DI 3 Stages (with 3 refillable cartridges and media just changed) - $60 6) Artifiate rock (18 x 12 inch)- $30
  8. Haha waiting for them to open lor. =p
  9. For the time being yes, but yestersday i just sold my BK so most likely I will go back to my plan of full refugium with a small size skimmer. =p Hi bro, bro CFOh has kindly helped to pm you the contact, he is quite reasonable price compare for the circuit breaker. Thanks bro CFOh. =) Yup my tank evapouration rate is quite high, maybe because I am using MH and rimless, need to top up water everyday.
  10. Algae kicking in!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. william_choo


      I am facing this problem of hair algae too.every few days,got to pluck and pluck.damn tired already.

    3. william_choo


      I am facing this problem of hair algae too.every few days,got to pluck and pluck.damn tired already.

    4. mengyang_neo


      Other then manual plucking, u will have to keep the nutrient super low, if not the whole thing will continue.

  11. For Arowana tank do not need to use DI water just tap water with anti chlorine is good enough. Easier.
  12. wow very nice. Bro u going to put the chiller inside the cabinet? Then better do some changes to the door, if not the hot air from the chiller cannot escape.
  13. Left the following 2)DIY DI 3 Stages (with 3 refillable cartridges and media just changed) - $60 6) Artifiate rock (18 x 12 inch)- $30
  14. Left the following 2)DIY DI 3 Stages (with 3 refillable cartridges and media just changed) - $60 1) PURA PhosLock- 1.75 lb (795 g) 6) Artifiate rock (18 x 12 inch)- $30
  15. Anyone got the above for sale, please sms me at 91507814. Thanks.
  16. Hmmm since u already got a dosing pump why dun go get the CaCl and Sodium Bicarbonate food grade from madpetz then mix on your own? This will solve your problem on Ca and Kh. Using Kallwasser alone will push the ph up and it is not good for SPS, normally kallwasser work together with CR, to balance the pH.
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