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Everything posted by redspring

  1. How big is the fish and have any photo I am interested sms me at 93384875 Thanks
  2. No you must have fish for it to eat hahaha
  3. No you must have fish for it to eat hahaha
  4. How any one interested to sell his fire shrimp?
  5. it dia. any way water is ok just tht PH is on the low side 8.0
  6. Do you have to left the botter in the tank for few day? The botter opening is too small! but if the opening is bigger, fish can come out again easily!
  7. Any one selling their cleaner shimp?
  8. I need to test. but other star fish is ok I will test it tonight.
  9. I have 2 cleaner shrimps but it just die of the next day
  10. is a orangen with some patten on top. not picture yet.
  11. Hi My star fish leg is breaking down How can I help? any expert advice please
  12. Hi all Which are the good doctor fish to keep? is it a hardy fish? Please advice.
  13. I have a good condition 3ft tank selling very cheap for just $40 interested please PM me. Delivery can be arrange for just $20.
  14. Grate thanks palm size is too big for me Thanks
  15. Do tubeworms require chiller? Any one know?
  16. any one interested just name your price?
  17. Hi Any one like to sell off their star fish? I am interested to collect one in my tank
  18. Hi Any one have a more effective way to caught a fish in you tank than have to remove all the LR. Please share you way. Thanks
  19. How much are you selling? sms me at 93384875. Thanks
  20. I try but cannot caught him. anyone have good idea how to net him?
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