Hi all
I have the following good skimmer for sell bith are at the price of $35 super cheap, just to clear the staff.below is the picture of both skimmer
Hi all
I am clearing my tank so have to sell off all the live rock in my 5 ft all go for $40 must clear by this weekend
refer to following link for the photo http://www.flickr.co...%40yahoo.com.sg
interested sms me at 93384875
Very sad to have to sale off my lovely 5 ft tank due to work. Any one interested going for cheap $270 includeing all life rock in it.
Please PM me ASAP
refer to following link for the photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/54425757@N05/?find=redspring25%40yahoo.com.sg
i have forget the brand name, but is sure to be working. selling at a great loss as i remember a year ago i can comparing this unit vs sander C100. spec is the same but price is 1/2 of it.