FR skimmzer
all sold.
LEft with pump +live stock + live rock + food + testkit.
To be cleared ASAP. Hopefully by friday nite 9pm. Thanks
Ps offer
Due to work commitments decide to decom my small little marine tank.
Live stock:
1. Clownfish x 2
2. Blue Tang x 1
3. Damsel x 1
4. Starfish(red) x 1
5. Soft coral x 2
6. Red Shrimp x 1
7 Live rock (matured) x 10kg++
1. FR Skimmer x 1
2. CL650 Chiller x 1
3. CL250 Chiller x 1
4. Fuval cannister filter 204 x 1
Sorry guys i'm a beginner and i'm not very sure of the actual name of the livestock.
Priority goes to the person that comes and pick up everything... For inidividual item sales pls also pm your offers..
Oh and bring your pails and bags... item for sales are the above list... I still have quite a bit of other stuffs like food, test kits, protein skimmer, etc to give away...
Hi, duno whether wrong post here....but need to enquire, anybody here using this digital timer? TS-EE9?...
went back to the shop and ask, he also duno...Sianz....
Thank madmac but this Rio 6HF is running at 6watt 1400l/hr, the skimmer indicate a water level mark. So i believe it is enuff to run it...but sad to say alot of tiny bubble, but its not forming any foam at all....Y? pls help
Hi, need help on this, current on my 2.5ftx1.4ftx1.5ft tank, running on weipro 2011, rio internal 6hz pump. running for 3week liao but it dun seems to pump anything out lay. have added 1 blue tank, 2 clownfish and 2 soft coral 1wk ago, .....y is this so?