I'm interested in the following,
1x Cleaner Shrimp selling at $5
1x Anemone Shrimp plus Anemone Crab selling at $5
1x Green Dragonet selling at $5 (Male or female?)
1x SeaHorse(female) selling at $10
1x Candy Cane Coral selling at $10 (10 Heads)
Please reserve for me.
Hi there!
Are the following still available?
torch coral - complete piece, non hacked, balck and white tip, 10 cm across, 20 sgd
star polyps - 5 sgd
brain, open, lumi green, 15 cm across, sgd 25
Hi Elvin,
I lost the fire shrimp... float the bag with the YT and FS in it into my tank... when time to release them into the tank, only the YT left...
One day, woke, decided to quit... took my half packet of Malboro and threw it away.
Left 1 unopened pkt, wrote the date on it and till now have not smoke a stick...6 years!