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Everything posted by leejwa

  1. Most electrical shops would sell the computer fan types and I actually have an unused one with a plug attached. You can have it for just $10 becasue I am now using a chiller to cool my 3 footer marine reef tank. Interested? Send me a msg.
  2. They are a little pricey but I can safely say that if you add them, you needn't add any other additives from Kent Marine or Coral Life etc etc. Try Funky Old Reef Mud to replace trace elements as well as essentials like strontium, iodine, calcium etc as the grains are actually natural argonite that dissolves over time gradually. Also I have used Reef Energiser and Live sand booster with good results. I want to use the Combo thingy soon but that one is expensive...about $70 a bottle. After I finish using all my other additives...I will just stick to Mark Weis stuff! Phytoplex from Kent Marine is good though...for feeding all your hard and soft corals as well as anemones, clams etc etc.
  3. Where can I get the Kent marine salt or Instant Ocean?
  4. If I may say so...Rainbow is a pack of balls! They should close down soon. They are just there to rip people off...say got tank offer but the blooming tanks still sell for so much more than other places. Utter crap.
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