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Everything posted by leejwa

  1. I tried salifest test kit before and is quite easy to use with only few bottle. However some of our iodine supplement is time release Base so might also affect the test kit reading.
  2. What is titration test kit? Do you mean sending your water for triton test?
  3. This thread is 8 year old and glad to see it still alive !
  4. The best way is to catch out the fish and treat them separately. Copper is so far one of the fastest and best medicine to use but not coral safe.
  5. Try sucking the cyno out during u our next water change. Cut down on your feeding and lighting time if possible, it will help a lot !
  6. Some of it look like skeleton of moon coral, giono and plate corals. Most likely found in local water I think
  7. Or read up on the thread on algae scrubber, you will find a lot of useful information there.
  8. I think what he mean is using a timer to control the c02 input into the cr using a solenoid. Not connecting to the hydra 52 .
  9. I think another factor for running a ULNS system is that color can be easily seen / tweak with the use of the color element addictive comparing to a non ULNS system.
  10. Or try ah beng usually they will have it in stock
  11. We are all here to learn, and glad that all the people here are so helpful.
  12. Spend more time reading on the forum and use the search function here. This forum is full of wealthy information if you dig deeper. Happy reefing
  13. Maybe your tank is too clean without algae that it starve to death.
  14. I will surely support if there is one. Buying second hand really help save money on this hobby to use for livestocks and addictive instead.
  15. Interesting concept. Please keep the photos coming. ..
  16. Very informative thread ! I just started trying out sps. What are some of the tips to improve polyp extensions?
  17. Brightwell multi vitamin, and iodine to maintain the fish colors.
  18. If you intent to keep only a few fish with low bioload I think is still OK. But like what solo mention you might find problen with nitrate in future .
  19. Oops I though is another blenny. My two algae blenny also busy eating algae not touching any corals .
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