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Everything posted by southpaw23

  1. That is very dissapointing.....if you were serious about these creatures, you'd do alot more research then take the word of some LFS owner who's just out to make a buck or two. If you'd done proper research, you'll know that your tank size can barely house a single blacktip for under a year....let alone 5??? For the sake of the sharks..please make plans to have them cared for soon cos they won't make it past a year in that tank. Mind you sharks won't overgrow your tank but will die as a result of the lack of space. And please for the love of the hobby.....learn not to listen to LFS owners when they give you STUPID advice like this. Sorry to be harsh but it's very dissapointing to see LFS owners go down to that level to make a sale. Mind you i will qualify myself, not all are like that and you will find many responsible ones in this forum. So learn to make a distinction of your own and most importantly...research...research...research... To help you on your way, here's a very good link to start you off... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blktipshkfaqs.htm Start from this FAQ page and make your way through all the other articles..particularly on blacktips to familiarize yourself.....
  2. LOL!! 14inches....that's funny.... But on a serious note....ppl considering sharks should look up a book by Scott W. Michael called Aquarium Sharks and Rays....if i'm not mistaken, in his book, he mentioned that to maintain a single black tip for it's entire lifespan, a tank size of 20' x 7' x 5' would be required. Essentially, the length of the tank should be about 4 times the length of an adult shark while the width should be at least 1.5 times. Understanding that blacktips in the while have been known to grow well beyond 6 feet, captive raised sharks rarely grow beyond 5 feet. Other key points mentioned in his books include curved edges on the aquarium which would prevent the shark from hurting themselves (their nose particularly) when they approach the corners of the tank. Also, there should be minimal rock work, maintaining only low rockscapes and mostly sand at the base of the tank to avoid having the shark injure itself on rocks when grazing the sandbed. Inhabitants of the tanks should be selected carefully as well as some fishes have a tendency to nip at the sharks causing stress and injury. There's a lot more written on this topic and one merely needs to google up the information if serious about maintaining these lovely creatures. That is of course if one is first financially capable of taking on the huge undertaking. my two cents...
  3. That's interesting.....why don't you find out from your friend what their policy is on accepting sharks from individuals. It would be good to know what their stand is on this so that others would be more informed on their options. It could also serve as a deterent to those considering to keep one should their policy not accomodate for accepting sharks from individuals on a casual basis..
  4. I personally love sharks myself...and still dream of owning a tank big enough to house em one day... But that being said....ur tank is waaayyy too small to house a black tip...let alone 2....plus with all that other fishes :( And jervis ur right...it's not that simple to "offload" ur sharks to underwater world. They don't just take em cos u wanna give it to em....imagine if it were that simple...everybody would go out buying juvenile black tips and then passin em off when they get bigger...if they even survive that long for the matter. Oh and tanVincent, have you any idea how big black tips and nurse sharks can get? they should never be in a house aquarium...unless u got one that's 20feet in length...i believe someone has managed to do it in a 14footer... But i wouldn't even consider them if the tank were any smaller.... Apologies....sharks are a very sensitive topic with most forums and there's bound to be controversy when ppl post shark pics....especially when it appears that the owner hasn't taken the necessary steps to properly house these beautiful creatures.
  5. Hi guys... After much debating, am considering replacing the original plan of two ORs with a single Red Dragon. Just wondering which of the models should i go with. It's now a toss up between the 10m3 or the 12m3. I'm leaning more towards the 10m3 but i know some here would suggest more is better which is why i'm puttin this up for discussion. Got a question tho, is there any ill effects to throttling down the output of a Red Dragon? I read that Sequence pumps become more power efficient when throttled down but not sure if the same applies to an RD? Cos if this were the case and if i were to find the flow too excessive, i can always reduce it some. As of now, the plan is to split the output to two one on each diagonal ends of the tank. My thinking is if i do go with the 12m3 and it's too powerful, i could always split it to 3 outputs instead. Anyways...lotsa weird ideas...what are your thoughts?
  6. Just a quick update All items sold! Thanks to those that have picked their stuff up..
  7. I heard that the Aquabee 5000s have issues with their impellors. Don't have any experience with them so can't comment. How has your pumps been doin thus far? No issues? As for the suggestion to use 1262s, aren't the flow rates the same? No flexibility on the lights for now i'm afraid as i've already purchased the powermodule off another reefer previously. Think i'll stick to them for now...i'll miss the shimmer but like the coverage of the T5s and the different color temp options available with the different tubes.
  8. BFG - Yeah...i liked the idea of the gravity feed to the skimmer as well, it was my tank makers idea. Seems like a much more efficient setup that way As for putting the skimmer internally...i dunno...i'm still on the fence about that...barring any mishaps...i like my skimmer clean externally.. Iceman - TS24? My only problem with that is the bulky tunze's in the main tank, which is why i'm opting for a concealed wavebox and maybe a couple of nanos. I wanna keep the tank as clutter free from equipment as possible. Might look into a couple of 6055s hooked to a multicontroller perhaps
  9. Not quite sure where to get inductors..why don't u check with Phil? The closed loop is still a consideration but like u, i'd like to try and stay away from drilling holes in the base glass...cannot afford a leak in the bulkheads at that location But again, since i'm not going with SPS...think i'll be ok for the flow...might get the 6055 if it comes out in time and if the hole in my pocket is patched by that time In the meantime, i will be relying on my returns and the wavebox to provide the flow for the tank at the initial stage.
  10. Did you go with a closed loop on ur system? The way i see it, the Nano's are more power efficient than the pumps that is needed to run a closed loop. Plus the flow would be a lot narower. Unless ur talkin about incorporating an inductor to the outlet. Phil mentioned that to me previously
  11. Thanks for the input guys...as for the lighting suggestion..the way i see it, if it's not sufficient, i'll just DIY another 2 T5-HO's to suppliment the existing powermodule... Plus, i got the existing PM off another reefer at a good price so will stick to it for now As for flow...seeing that it's an LPS dominated tank, i didn't see the need for too much flow, plus, don't quite like the sigh of the existing streams in the tank. The nano's are a lil more "aesthetically" pleasing
  12. I've drawn up an initial diagram to work on with the tank maker...the overall layout isn't firm tho but it'll give you an idea of what kinda stuff i'm tryin to incorporate into the tank setup. Oh and this'll be a largely LPS dominated reef....will hold out on venturing into SPS for now
  13. Thanks buddy...unfortunately pics won't be up for quite a bit..it'll have to be schematics and plans for the meantime
  14. Hi all, Well, the tanks still a good 2 months away from going up but figured this would be a good place to start discussing tank plans etc. Here's what i got so far Tank Details Tank Size : 66"x24"x27" (with 8" side overflow - makin the viewable 58") Sump tank : 30"x18"x18" Return Pump : Still deciding, tentatively 2 x OR3500 Chiller : Chill Down Drop in Coil and Compressor Skimmer : Deltec AP701 Lights : ATI Powermodule 54wx6 Flow : Wavebox and probably 2 x Tunze 6045s Tank Maker : Geo Aquatic Other Details Essentially, the tank will be an inwall/divider tank between the living room and the master bedroom So a 2 sided viewing tank, one from the living room and the other from the bedroom. There will be no access to the tank from the living room as there'll be a false wall erected to give the impression of an inwall tank setup. While in the bedroom, there'll be floor to ceiling cabinetry, which is where i'll be accessing the tank from and housing all the equipment. A lil difficult to imagine right now i'm sure but when i get pics and plans, i'll post em up to give ya'll a better idea.
  15. Not a problem at all! heck, it won't even break a sweat!...haha But on a serious note, the chiller is rated up to 180 gallons, a standard 4x2x2 is about 120 gallons...even with the sump etc, it shouldn't come up to more than 150 gallons. Of course, lighting will play a factor as well but on a whole, the chiller is very efficient and will do fine chilling a tank that size. PM or sms me if ur interested to view...cheers!
  16. Hi all, Lookin to incorporate a wavebox into the new setup. Anyone letting go? Cheers!
  17. Sorry buddy but i think supporting a 6 footer would be quite a stretch for a 1/5hp. Unless ur using like T5s and maintaining it at like 28 degrees Good luck finding ur chiller nonetheless Upz for the sale!
  18. wow...scarce crowd this chinese new year eh? No one lookin for a reliable Daeil Chiller? Upz!
  19. Hi all, Have a 2 year plus old Daeil chiller for sale, no warranty but working perfectly fine. Looking at 500 firm. call me at 93892291 if ur interested. cheers, Kenny
  20. Oops...my bad.... Too bad i cant buy corals from u now...gimme till July then i'll look u up for zoas and stuff...haha... Upz for ur sale...
  21. I think those are Gonioporas and not zoas buddy
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