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Everything posted by southpaw23

  1. i like this part of the scaping the most
  2. Hey colin... Tank looks pretty good for one that hasn't been touched for a while Got a question on ur bannerfish. Does it not nip on ur LPS? I've always found a school of them to look cool but a lil hessitant what with them being butterfly fishes and all..
  3. Is the Rose Anemone in the QT for sale as well?
  4. Good stuff...i use the same thing. Did you get it in Singapore? Where's hair mechanics? I always get my sis to get me my supply from Australia
  5. No corals yet...cos the chiller still ain't set-up But in retrospect, i'm thinkin i'll go the FOWLR route for the next few weeks or month and get the system adjusted to the bioload first. Once i've got the majority of my fishes, i'll start introducing corals in. Saves me some money too since i dnt hv to fire up my lightings for too long in the day and the chiller has yet to kick in. So figured it might as well be a gradual process
  6. Yup...no agression among the YTs and the PBT so far. Mainly cos the PBT is also the larger specimen. I also suspect that because i added the PBT only a day after the YTs, and the fact that the YTs have yet to settle into the tank and establish their "territory", the PBT had an easier time settling in to the tank. I've no intentions of adding other powders into the tank...but might consider an AT which i suspect might pose a problem with the existing PBT. But that's still a ways away so we'll see how the current tankmates get along for now
  7. no no...introduce 6 at once so not any one of em gets to establish dominance in the tank and start beating up the others So far it's worked. All 6 seem to be getting along well, with occasional 2-4 of em hangin around in groups. No major fighting has broke out with any of em so fingers crossed that this "good behavoir" keeps up
  8. Thanks for the concern Jervis...as mentioned above...there was a reason for introducing the 6 all at once. cheers..
  9. No worries guys...i'm well aware of my limitations...altho i'm careful not to be too over confident with the equipment i have The introduction of the 6 was mainly due to the fact that i can't introduce em one at a time. The system is doing fine with the introduction so far. Will let the system adjust to the new bio load for the next week or so before i consider new livestock.
  10. Yeah...i'm pretty happy with the rocks i got...at the price i got it for
  11. when are your lights coming in? And what fixtures are you lookin to get?
  12. Thanks...it's tricky trying to scape a 2 sided view tank. Especially when one doesn't have enough depth to play with. Am pretty happy with how it turned out
  13. I've got plenty of YT so that's not a good thing if the aggressor is the YT...imagine 6 aggresors...haha Anyways...i introduced a Powder Blue Tang later in the day yesterday and no fights broke out so that's good. The YT so far seem to be fairly peaceful...with each other and even the PBT. Well, the PBT is larger Oh btw...the coral banded shrimps are doing fine in the tank...the pair is back together again and take refuge under a cave in the smaller rockstructure. Will take a pic soon
  14. That's a good point...but i guess i would still need to wait it out before i put the Sohal in the tank. Gotta acquire all my other desired tangs first. Guess i gotta be patient
  15. Yeah...i guess we all tend to suffer for itch hands...but i try to stick to my plan as much as possible. It's especially crucial when dealing with the intended tangs i have in mind. Getting the wrong ones too soon would be a bad thing as that might prevent me from adding anymore future tangs to the tank. Besides...if we get all that we want right at the start...where's the fun left in the hobby? The funs in the researching and planning for me
  16. Got another question for you folks.. What are my chances of keeping a clown tang and sohal tang in the same tank? I've read that clown tangs are equally as aggresive as sohals and yet i've seen some folks with both in the same tank? My plan is to possibly put a smaller specimen clown tang in first then when i've got all the tangs i want...get the sohal into the tank last. And will the both of em get along with blue tangs? I didn't have much problems with the sohal and a blue in my last tang so i'm assuming it should be alright. Your experiences and input would be greatly appreciated. cheers!
  17. Next on my list is a school of blue eyed anthias...and maybe 3-4 blue tangs The tank has been cycling for a little over 3 weeks before i added the tangs. However, the rocks were pretty cured from the LFS i got em at, plus i used Live Sand so that helped the process out i believe. The YT are abt medium sized and i got em from Iwarna. As for the price, check with Lilian...or pm me
  18. IMO, the problem with your microbubbles lie in the design of the sump. You are returning the skimmer directly into the baffle before the return compartment and i don't believe the black mesh can completely prevent the microbubbles from the skimmer from reaching the last compartment. Perhaps when the skimmer is fully kicked in, the amount of microbubbles exiting the skimmer will reduce and should help your situation out. But if not, you might want to consider extending your skimmer return piping all the way to the first compartment where your overflow piping enters the sump. That way you will have way more room for the microbubbles to dissapate before hitting your last section. From the look of the design, this may not be possible so the other alternative is to extend the skimmer return pipe to further to the left and have it exit rignt next to the first compartment. That should give the microbubbles some time to surface before hitting the black mesh and hopefully the mesh will take care of any remaining microbubbles. My two cents...
  19. Don't have any plans to add anymore rocks for now. My wife doesn't quite like the cluttered look so i'm keeping the scaping as is. Kinda like the open space on the sandbed Speaking of circulation, yes the elevation of the rocks help...but i think i need more circulation cos as of now, it's only handled by my 12m3 plus Wavysea. So current is pretty gentle for now. I'm concerned about deadspots along the swim thru caves etc.
  20. Hey MAG, Just got around to checkin out ur thread. Nice job with the pics and postings. And great choice with the skimmer. That should serve you well even for the next upgrade... Got a question on the vent holes tho. If you're installing a fan and covering the outside with tinted glass, doesnt the glass greatly restrict the airflow out? From what i can see, i understand that the glass will sit a few inches away from the cabinet which leaves the sides open, just wondering if that small space at the side will be sufficient to ventilate the heat out. I gotta admit tho, aesthetically it'll probably look quite nice. Keep the updates comin.
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