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  1. Just left with the Red Dragon 12m3 pump. PM me if anyone is keen. cheers!
  2. Hi all, I've these 3 remaining items up for sale 1. Deltec AP701 skimmer - $450 2. Red Dragon 12m3 pump - $550 3. Tunze Nano 6025 wakemaker - $50 4. Tubby Auto Top-up system - $50 Note that the Tunze doesn't come with the magnets or holder. PM me if interested.
  3. One more thing to add. Those collecting fishes and rocks, please organise for your own container and bags when you come by. Note that some of the fishes are quite large and may not just fit in regular bags. You may need buckets etc. I also do not have oxygen pumps so please be mindful of this when swinging by. Thanks!
  4. Hi all. Apologies for the lack of updates as i have been travelling all this week. Here are the latest updates on the sale. Below are the reserved items by the respective reefers. 1. Live Rocks - $200 2. Red Sea Sailfin - $50 Reserverd by mug888, next in line bubblefish000 3. Blue Tang - $30 Reserved by mug888, next in line bubblefish000 4. Purple Tang - $30 Reserved by bobkemejan, next in line motoro 5. Convict Tang - $20 Reserved by bobkemejan, next in line bubblefish000 6. Foxface - $20 Reserved by mug888, next in line bubblefish000 7. Chromis – FOC Reserved by bobkemejan 8. Dr Evil T5 Fixture - $100 9. Tunze WaveBox - $50 Reserved by orsony 10. Deltec AP701 - $500 Reserved by KELVIN3x 11. Red Dragon 12m3 - $600 12. Starmex Chiller - $500 Reserved by KELVIN3x 13. WavySea x 2 - $50 Reserved by MarcoVan, next in line orsony I intend to arrange for pickup of the LiveRocks and Fishes this Sunday. I will advise the respective reefers on the exact location and time via PM. I urge those on the reserve list to send me their contact numbers so that i can also confirm if their are still proceeding with the sale. For the rest of the equipment, i will take the week to clean it up and release it on the following weekend. cheers!
  5. Hi there, I'm decommissioning my 5.5ft tank and have about 100k of matured liverock to sell off. Ideal for those just starting up their tank. The rocks are made up of 5-6 large and well shaped pieces. I need to release the rocks by this weekend so that i can catch and release the fishes. Those interested please PM me to reserve the rocks. Am look at $200 for the whole lot. Pretty cheap at $2 per kg. Lemme know....
  6. Hi there. You would be second inline as KELVIN3x has initially expressed interest. If he backs out, I'll keep you posted. cheers
  7. Forgot to add that all fishes have been feeding on pellets for the past 5 years.
  8. KELVINx3 - pm repled. Folks, my priority at this point is really finding someone to take over the Liverocks. Then fishes. Without these 2 items addressed, i wont be able to move forward with the equipment dismantling and sale. Thanks!
  9. Slight correction up top. It should be the Tunze Wavebox and not Wavemaker.
  10. Hi folks, It's been years since i've been on the forum. Quite surprised to still find my old thread in the members section. Here's the link: Well, the tank doesn't look anything like the last picture . Over the last 5 years, the tank pretty much has turned to a FOWLR due to the easier maintenance. Unfortunately, we have recently sold our place and looking to rent for a bit while we search for our new place. That said, the tank needs to be decommissioned. So i'm looking for a new home for some of my remaining fishes, who've been with me for this whole time (more than 5 years). They are: 1. Red Sea Sailfin Tang - x-tra large and will need an owner with at least a 5ft tank house it. 2. Blue Tang - also a big guy, more than 7 inches 3. Purple Tang 4. Convict Tang 5. Foxface - not the yellow ones. This one is white with black and yellow markings. 6. Chromis x 2 7. Live Rock - Lots of nicely shaped and matured liverock at that. I dont recall how many kgs. Should be about 100. For an idea of the liverocks, please check out my setup thread in the link above. I also have some equipment that needs to be sold. Off the bat, the list goes as follows: 1. Deltec AP701 - working perfectly after 5 years 2. Red Dragon 12m3 - still working perfectly after 5 years 3. Starmex Chiller System with copper tubing 4. WavySea x 2 - Unfortunately, the power adapters dont work so someone will have to get new adapters to make it work 5. Tunze Wavemaker - Needs to be fixed. Haven't been using it for 2 years but it's still in the tank 6. Dr Evil T5 fixture (6 tubes). It's pretty old and tubes will need to be replaced but it's still working fine. 7. 5.5 Ft tank by Geo Aquatic (Phil) Here is more info on the Red Dragon pump. It's an amazing pump, silent and very power efficient. http://www.aquapro2000.de/en/Pumps/Water-Pumps-General/Royal-Exclusiv/Red-Dragon-Pumpen/Red-Dragon-12m3::427.html As for the Starmex, i believe it's running off a Mitsubishi 1Hp compressor There's probably miscelaneous stuff that needs to be let go as well but since this whole decommissioning is going to be a mess, I'm trying to minimize the chaos and take interest from forum members on what they are keen on first. I'll list them on the thread for the sake of transparency and am open to taking backups in the event the first person backs out. For those buying more stuff, i'll throw in freebis as well i suppose. I will organize one or two days over a weekend (before the 20th of March) to offload most if not everything. But the priority will be set as follows: 1. Need to organize buyers of the Live Rock first! Once Liverock is removed, we can catch the fishes. 2. Fishes will be handed off on the same day so all those who were interested in the fishes will need to swing by to pick up then as well. 3. I'll need a day or so to drain the tank and start removing the equipment, then the folks interested in those can pick up accordingly. So with that said, here are the list (with pricing) based on priority 1. Live Rocks - $200 (for the whole lot) 2. Red Sea Sailfin - $50 3. Blue Tang - $30 4. Purple Tang - $30 5. Convict Tang - $20 6. Foxface - $20 7. Chromis - FOC 8. Dr Evil T5 Fixture - $100 9. Tunze WaveMaker - $50 (Since it's faulty) 10. Deltec AP701 - $500 11. Red Dragon 12m3 - $600 12. Starmex Chiller - $500 13. WavySea x 2 - $50 14. 5.5 Ft Tank - Make an offer but note that you'll have to arrange your own logistics to remove and move it. Else I'll just scrap it. Either reply with your interest on this thread or via PM. I'll update the thread as we go along. Feel free to raise any question you may have as well. You should find some answers to your questions in my setup thread. cheers!
  11. Is the chiller still available? I have a friend that's interested. cheers!
  12. That tank looks familiar Good to see the tank still going strong after a change of 2 owners. Welcome back to the hobby cliff.
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