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smashing last won the day on July 26 2022

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  1. Hi guys, thinking to decomm my 3ft tank as a whole set. PM me for more queries.
  2. Selling healthy 3inch size blotchy -$150 Self collect in West.
  3. I was looking at Jebao WP25 too but don't want to risk 75bucks. Read that Jebao WP25 able to reduce the flow by using a lower voltage adapter? http://thenanoreef.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?18472-Vortech-MP10-or-wait-for-Jebao-WP10 Anyway, let us just wait for WP10
  4. Hi there.. Im selling away Red Sea Prizm skimmer and 1 Koralia 1 for 120
  5. Hi, Selling away my used Hydor Koralia 1 & Red Sea Prizm Skimmer for $120. Cash and self collect. Staying in BP area. Kindly PM me if interested. Thanks
  6. Theres a Tang as well. Its more to rocks than corals. Slowly have to let go of the rocks as new corals coming in soon... Not sure for the bioload as i keep feeding pellets 2times a day at nite in small amount and Henry's food mix once weekly. Time will tell.
  7. Hey cdckjn Well previously had a dsb sump but decomm it after 3 flooding . One, it was power outage, overflow pipe stops, lastly the pump went dead on me. So enuf is enuf. What im using rite now is Jebo External, Red Sea Prizm skimmer, cooling fan and 4 t5 tubes. Will post some pics in future.
  8. Hi guys Its my first time to post a pic of my 2footer tank. Appreciate your kind feedbacks.
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