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Everything posted by acidjc

  1. oic, long time never go madpetz liao.. the last time I went they still at midview, I hear now they moved... must give the boss a call..heehee wow.. kanna pressure already... need to clear all my arowana, altum and EBH first before I can start... LOL ... if I can get a good price for a skimmer.. I might start faster... now looking at BM cruve9
  2. Lol Bro, old bird also need help. Cos never try reef tank bigger then 2ft, my last reef tank was a 2ft cube.. Now thinking of using my 6ft for reefing... So bigger tank mean everything different also. That why seek advise before jumping into it.
  3. nice nice setup, is that a 6footer tank? and thank for the info and advise, already noted down in my evernote ...heeheehee ok bro.. I will keep your option KIV, cause now still in planning stage , feasibility study and budgeting.. .. maybe if you ok, can PM me your skimmer..heehee.. cos now the only equipment I need if to start a marine tank is the skimmer, other live stock can slowly source..
  4. my current tank is 12mm, normal glass.. not those low iron clear glass... u think 12mm can do? good point... my current tank with LED lighting and 1 return pump and the average water temp is around 28-29degree.. the tank is set in the living with no direct sunlight. .. maybe I should add a fan blowing at the sump where all the equipment will be during the afternoon period to cool down the temp abit..
  5. hi all need some advise.. thinking of converting my 6ft tank to FOWLR... currently this 6ft have a 5.5ft sump with 5 compartments.. might need to dismant 1 compartment to make the last compartment bigger for skimmer and other stuffs.. what do you guy think... 1. can the current sump use for marine? or do I have to make a new sump? 2. how many kg of rock is require to make a basic (not enough)? 3. which skimmer is good for 6ft? can recommend me the brand and model? my current tank vol is about 1300L to 1400L 4. is chiller a must for FOWLR?? hope to go without chiller for cost saving... 5. Can I reuse my current mini bio home media for the marine? my current sump is only fill with mini bio home for a the filtration compartment.. 6. Do need to add sand? or can I go with bare bottom? thanks
  6. Hahaha. Yup.. Get board playing with fresh water now. Starting with a small marine planted or FOWLR spices specific tank...
  7. bro may I know where is your location for collection?? try to PM you but your inbox is full
  8. anyone spotted any dwarf cutterfish or tiger seahorse ???
  9. hi all may I ask beside Herry, may I know which other LFS selling such interesting creatures??? also it is a difficult fishes to keep??? does it require high light?? what coral type to avoid? or a FOWLR tank is best for keeping such fishes?? can it be keep with other fishes? I mean size bigger than them?? what are their diet? does they only feed on live food? or can be train to eat MP? or pellet? sorry for asking so many question... quite interested in trying to keep these cute fishes...
  10. hi boss.. yup.. will monitor.. infact the spotted puffer already ate some ghost shrimps, cos I some time will see shimp shell on the tank...LOL
  11. yup.. interesting setup.. never though that can keep planted tank in "marine" ... LOL.. anyway.. it a new challenge for me... see how long I can keep those plants and fish alive... ok.. here the video of the dwarf puffer swimming... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pEKamwdwys
  12. no problem.. just make sure they eat... or else sure die.. LOL... just do anything to ensure they get to eat... get live brimp shrimp , off the pump when feeding....
  13. hi all long long time never post here, cos been into freshwater tanks and fishes for the past few years.. now hand itchy again with marine... but somehow starting a marine (again) will need some investment $$$.. so itchy and can't wait.. get my spare 2ft tank and start a brackish water tank to play... tank is 2ft by 1ft by 1ft.. those standard tank selling at LFS water is brackish with specific gravity about 1.004 to 1.006 put jave fern, java moss and nanas with drift wood inside.. goggle and found these plant can stand brackish water got about 8 to 10 small small Malabar Dwarf Puffers, 2 green spotted puffer fishes and about 9 Bumble Gobies and some ghost shrimps (goggle said they can live brackish as well) tank have been setup for about 1month old..... ok.. here the photos to share.. do comment and help me learn.. first time try brackish ..so must have lot of try and errors to do...
  14. Doctor shrimp or aka cleaner shrimp need proper acclimatization. Next time try dipping your tank water into the bag of doctoe shrimp..then put the bag inside and let the shrimp come out itself.. doctor shrimp are super sensitive.they will die over night if not done properly.. try search for acclimate and you can find a few ways of doing it Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  15. TS got very good photography skill..all photos look so nice.. thumb up Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  16. For marine.. i would for 6ft x 2.5ftWide) x 2ft(height) as you can have enough space to scape your rock and allows you to keep any different species of fish. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  17. so may I ask how you train them?? strave them for a few days and then spray the food infront of them? I rem try this last time, it did not work and at the end all seahorse up lorry
  18. Hi hi, I have not been keeping seahorse for donkey years..my last seahorse was in my teenager time, those days no experience and only try to feed with brine shrimp, at the end seahorse die of starvation.. Now thinking of keeping again, and with the new technology, I believe the succes rate will be higher Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  19. Thank.. my nearest is ML, so maybe drop by there look see look see Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  20. thank you bro for the info.. may I know where to get the above mention items??? frozen copepods, Selcon and the PE mysis.. I know know hikari mysis which I used to feed my freshwater fishes.. sorry the noob
  21. hi all, may I ask what is the alternate food for sea horse beside live food?? cos live food not always available.. hence thinking of giving food like frozen mysis etc.. if only feed with frozen mysis or brine shrimp..it is goo for seahorse in long run?? will they enough nutritious?? please advise me .. thank you very much.
  22. hello mr Cedric, your flowers are still as beautiful as before... rstarting my tank because miss all these flowers, will go down look for you once my tank is ready
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