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Everything posted by acidjc

  1. Agreed, bad thing always happened when not around, I once when overseas holiday, my air pump stop working, it have been working fine all years round then suddenly not working... Dunno why also. Don't b disheartened, everytime a restart is always better then the last one. Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  2. about 5mm big only.. saw it crawling on the rock..so pick it up with a tweeter dont look like the stomatellia snail, as it does not have the 2 attenna. instead it has 2 triangle like bum on the head..
  3. it feeding on algae... look like got a round cone shape shell on the back...
  4. LCK201 got, I bought mine about 2 weeks ago... u might want to check it out
  5. found this on my rock.. crawl rather fast.. when touch it tail will give out a white liquid... the head is like got 2 ears.. what it is? can't seem to find any image in goggle.. could it be a baby seahare?? anyone can advise... thanks
  6. it a mushroom... some time these come with the live rock that you bought
  7. Hi Poorpicasso, I have not heard from u since, so do I won the auction? I will pm u my contact, tq Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  8. this alage blenny does a great job in my tank... been eating non stop.. but the problem it is a jumper, so better cover your tank.. also if there no more algae to eat, he will up lorry very fast
  9. great info... thank for sharing...
  10. Wow, setting camp here.. Waiting for photos Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  11. Keep us updated, may be it is possible to share the link where you purchase the coral from? Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  12. hi PoorPicasso, FYI, should I win the auction, do PM me. as I can only collect either Sunday morning 11am to 12pm or Weekdays during lunch time 12pm to 2pm, Sorry for the inconvenience as last minutes was assigned to new urgent project at Jurong Island, other timing I need to station/standby on site. let me know if you think my timing is not acceptable, then do void my bidding. Thank you.
  13. I think importing coral or livestock (non endanger species) need a company with import permit if I am not wrong, but if you travel and hand carry back, it is 30fishes or 3L or water which ever bigger, 5pc of coral or 5K weight which very bigger.
  14. C328 have.. Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  15. Let me start $10 Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  16. peppermint shrimp also can help with this aiptaisa
  17. swee .. your zoas photos can use for my computer wallpaper...
  18. LCK201 New Trio Fish farm selling 1 bag $5, buy 4 get 1 free promo
  19. acidjc

    DIY overflow

    Agreed, my 6ft using 10000l/h pump, the overflow pipe also 32mm, no problem, Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  20. bro I am interested in your skimmer, can kindly advise you bought brand new or 2nd hand from other bro? because in your post#18 you say used less then a year, but your post #19 say new just a few month ago? I have PM you my contact. we can discuss over whatsapp or sms
  21. acidjc

    DIY overflow

    High flow rate or too many times turn over doesn't mean good... Too fast flow rate your sump water flow too fast, the bb cannot fully settle down and grow, sane as in your main tank. Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  22. acidjc

    DIY overflow

    In this case, it mean that your return pump is too high. Reason because your overflow pipe was too small in size, since you cannot change the pipe, but u can change the pump to a lower flow rate. As long as the flow is 5 time and more over turn your total tank capacity, it should b fine. Sent from my D2533 using Tapatalk
  23. acidjc

    DIY overflow

    u need to add a control valve on the overlfow pipe to the sump, this valve is a MUST.. because there is very difficut for you to get the right flowrate IN & OUT between the overlow pipe and return pump... dont add the valve on the return pump, just 1 control valve on the overflow pipe will solve your problem
  24. U can choose those on the egg crate also, per frag is 15, the worker will cut the egg carte Base on which frag u choose
  25. Get algae blenny will eat these brown algae aka diatom algae
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