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Everything posted by acidjc

  1. my 2 cents, I would recommend the Vortech MP10w ES, there is some slight hamming sound if you run mode with short-pulses. if your tank is not in your bed room, then it is ok. during the normal acivity in the lviiing room, we dont hear any sound from the wave maker at all. Only after all lgihts off and if you sit nearby then you can hear it. anyhow, I still thumb up for the vortech.
  2. Yup, I am happy going to your house, more happy when I can get those frags that I like, and even more happy watching the frag inside my tank with polyp extension. Ups for your sales bro.
  3. SUPPORT MUST SUPPORT !!! Beautiful SPS, Friendly seller and 101% good service. some more got FREE GIFT - BSI GEL , Tks... work great with my new frag worth my trip from west to east every time. also got drink serviing while you browsing thru the beautiful coral, one of the MUST Support reefer
  4. check you PM, it is possible to collect tmr around noon??? as I in punggol area morning?? tks
  5. Yup, Cedric place not only can buy, it will also eye opening as well
  6. thanks CFOh for the comment, cos I am using my Macbook, look like safari cannot see the pix sometime.
  7. I have some comment after using LED light from Maxspect as compare to my previous MH and T5, I notice that grow is there, coral look healthy, but color is out. One thing I notice is the Blue LED is not enough. where I have read before, someone mention that the color ratio should be Blue 3 : White 1 or somtime like that. Therefore if to use LED, should add with extra Blue T5 to enahnce the coloring (visually) of cos, LED is more power saving as compare to MH and T5, but you can't have best of both world I guess.
  8. If u really urgent, try LFS like C328. It should have. Other LFS not too sure, but can try cos breeder net are quite common sold there.
  9. Might not be 100% true, sometime when we shift the frag we might give too much pressure on the body and cause the "skin" drop. Of cos water flow, lighting and water condition are the other factors. Also the coral might be stressed due to the shifting. If the STN stop only at the spot and did not spread to other parts, it will still ok, just the STN part look white n ugly. Anyhow dun worry, wait a fee more days or week n see how it go, whether really will STN or not.
  10. Some newly added Zoas, all of them baby frag, need lot of TLC Fire and ice Safer cracker blue steel Yellow melon Any advice to keep these babies "happy"
  11. You may wanna consider pm Cedricang, he is home grow SPS, small frag, stable and free of pest. and got lots of exotic SPS to choose.
  12. Some updates of my SPS, Do some shifting of the frag after some "teaching" from guru, Photo show the tricolor valida (color not as nice compare to first got it, but at least no sign of RTN) Photo also the rose Mille, seem like doing well so far.
  13. Hi bro, your avatar img is also getting more beauty as your SPS. And trailer for your up coming sales?
  14. Look like my bad luck is not over yet. What is happening to my SPS?!?!
  15. I think it will bro, silent and the flow is 900l/h (if I rem correctly) It actually made for pico and nano tank
  16. Wa piang man, so many things happened within just a few hr. Anyhow, tks cedric, look like it is time to visit u liao
  17. Tonight really a bad evening for me, First I got a fine of $100 for parking my car at the loading bay, Then go smoke, the butt drop on my leg and burn my feet. :( And then just now my Sunflower zaos drop out for no reason , found it behind the tank on the sand bed and the worst is I super glue it back upside down. OMG. Not knowing where is head n tail. ( Now my Sunflower is heavily injured. Hopefully it can recover. Btw is my Sunflower zaos glue correctly, I almost fainted.
  18. The brand is Shiruba XB-303, I got it from C328 at $50+ see image below for the box shot ok, if you say so, then I am not too worry about it since they will grow away from each other.
  19. Btw, do anyone can advise if I have place the SPS frags too close? Cos I remember someone told me that different SPS can sting each others. Do u think I need to space out the frags more?
  20. I do agreed, i notice when I put the LR inside the tank the very time. But then since I already got the big big LR, and there is very limited position in putting it in my 28g space. So I just hv to use it for the time being.
  21. It made of 2 smaller LR as base and 1 big big LR ontop, thanks to the uncle at AM, he help me choose.
  22. Tks, I hv to remove everything inside the original hood, cut / saw / file away some plastic inorder to insert the 110W nicely. Lots of work actually but end result is good.
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