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Everything posted by acidjc
Sim lim tower have . Many sizes to choose. Just walk around those at the top floor. Another few shops at the basement also sell Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
Good dosing pump. Upz for u Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
Weekly Update - 16th May to 22th May 2016
acidjc replied to Regal's topic in Weekly LFS Stocks Report / LFS Info Centre
Anyone been there already? Any photos to share? Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk -
Need to control feeding and do regular WC. Algae issue is a constant effort. Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
new Need help on recommendations and cost saving guides
acidjc replied to Daniel_k's topic in New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby
6ft cost saving skimmer. I would recommend Bubble Magus C9. Good enough and cheaper. 2nd hand will be even more cost saving at the start Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk -
Goto 133 kitchener road. It a shop selling pvc copper and other pipe, valve etc. Very reasonable price. What thing u need for the pipe all have. I forgot the shop name. It a 2 story shop house type. Out side the shop u can see lot of pipe, walk inside you will find a few girls with computers. Just tell them what you need and they will get for u. Payment by cash or nets Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
Water level too high. Try raise the skimmer or turn the round stick to the lowest point (water level) Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
LCK 201 got, you might wanna drop over there to ask
- 1 reply
- 2
Weekly Update - 14th Mar to 20th Mar 2016
acidjc replied to Regal's topic in Weekly LFS Stocks Report / LFS Info Centre
from Ah Beng facebook Bali Shipment (17/03/2016) Common Name Scientific Name Flagfin Angelfish M Apolemichthys Trimaculatus Bicolor Angelfish M Centropyge Bicolor Pottery Angelfish Centropyge Eibli Blue Pygmy Angelfish Centropyge Flavicauda Banded Angelfish Centropyge Multifasciatus Midnight Angelfish Centropyge Nox Melas Angelfish Centropyge Tibicen Singapore Angelfish MS Chaetodontoplus Mesoleucus Six Bar Angelfish juv L/M Euxiphipops Sextriatus Sumatra Blue Face Angelfish M Euxiphipops Xanthometapon Blue Ring Angelfish juv T Pomacanthus Annularis Sumatra Emperor Angelfish M Pomacanthus Imperator Blue Koran Angelfish juv S Pomacanthus Semicirculatus Blue Koran Angelfish juv T Pomacanthus Semicirculatus Sargasum Anglerfish Histrio Histrio Orbiculate Batfish S Platax Orbicularis Threadfin Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Auriga Saddle Back Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Ehippium Klein's Butterflyfish L Chaetodon Kleini Klein's Butterflyfish S Chaetodon Kleini Black Back Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Melannotus Yellow Eight Stripe Butterflyfish L/M Chaetodon Octofasciatus Copperband Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Rostratus Mellon Butterflyfish L/M Chaetodon Trifasciatus Double Saddle Butterflyfish L/M Chaetodon Ulietensis Vagabond Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Vagabundus Bannerfish S Heniochus Acuminatus Humphead Bannerfish L/M Heniochus Varius Moorish Idol L Zanclus Canescens Moorish Idol Zanclus Canescens Clark's Anemonefish Amphiprion Clarkii Clown Anemonefish Amphiprion Ocellaris Sebae's Anemonefish Amphiprion Sebae Sumatera Clark's Anemonefish M Amphiprion Sp. Maroon Clown M Premnas Bioceleatus Maroon Clown pair Premnas Bioceleatus Golden Damsel Amblyglyphidodon Aureus Bicolor Chromis Chromis Bicolor Green Chromis M Chromis Viridis Kupang Yellowtail Damsel Chrysiptera hemicyanea Yellow Tail Damsel Chrysiptera Parasema Talbot's Damsel Chrysiptera Talboti Four Stripe Damsel Dascylus Melanurus Domino Damsel Dascylus Trimaculatus Black Damsel juvenile Paraglyphidodon Melas Black Mouth Damsel juvenile Paraglyphidodon Nigroris Bluestreak Devil Paraglyphidodon Oxyodon Orange Damsel juvenile Paraglyphidodon crossi Yellow Bellied Damsel Pomacentrus Coelestis Two Colored Blenny (Red Tail) Ecsenius Bicolor Yasha Blenny Stonogobyops yasha Banded Blenny Salarias Fasciatus Orange Stripe Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris Randali Rainford's Goby Amblygobius Rainfordi Pinkbar Goby Cryptocentrus Aurora Leopard Rock Skipper Exallias Brevis Green Clown Goby Gobiodon histrio Red Clown Goby Gobiodon histrio Assorted Clown Goby Gobiodon species Tangora Shrimp Goby Ctenogobiops Tangaroai Red Jawfish Opsitognathus lonchurus Two Spot Goby Signigobius Biocellatus Black Strip Goby & Shrimp S. Nematodes & Alpheus N. Orange Spoted Prawn Goby Valencienna Puellaris Green Mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus Spoted Mandarin Synchiropus Picturatus Scooter Mandarin Synchiropus ocellatus Zebra Muray L/M Gymnomuraena Zebra Hass's Garden Eel Heteroconger Hassi Red Sea Lyre Tail Anthias Male Pseudanthias Squampinnis Red Sea Lyre Tail Anthias Female Pseudanthias Squampinnis Sea Goldie Pseudanthias Hutchii Yellow Anthias Pseudanthias taira Pink Anthias Pseudanthias hypselosoma Yellow Dottyback Pseudochromis Aureus Royal Dottyback Pseudochromis Paccagnellae Spotted Dottyback Pseudochromis sp. Floppy-tail Dottyback Pseudochromis Elongatus Dwarf Lionfish Dendrochirus Zebra Devil Stinger Inimicus Didactylus Peacock Lionfish M Pterois Miles Phanter Grouper L/M Chromileptis Altivelis Phanter Grouper S Chromileptis Altivelis Cultured Phanter Grouper 3" Chromileptis Altivelis Yellow Line Sweetlips Plectorhinchus Albovittatus Spoted Grunt L/M Plectorhinchus Chaetodonides Spoted Grunt S Plectorhinchus Chaetodonides Stripe Sweetlips Plectorhinchus Diagrammus Oriental Sweetlips Plectorhinchus Orientalis Banggai Cardinalfish L/M Pterapogon Kaudernii Red Polka-dot Cardinal Fish Sphaeramia Nematoptera Indian Threadfin Alectis Indicus Fox Face M Lo Vulpinus Magnificent Fox face M Lo Magnifica Coral Rabbitfish M Siganus Corallinus White-Spotted Rabbitfish L/M Siganus canaliculatus Short Nose Puffer Arothron Hispidus Blue Spotted Sharp Puffer Canthigaster Epilamprus Yellow Boxfish M Ostracion Cubicus Gold Rimmed Surgeonfish M Acanthurus Glaucopareius Powder Blue Tang L Acanthurus Leucosternon Abberrantion Bristletooth L/M Ctenochaetus species Lipstic Tang juvenille Naso Lituratus Yellow Lipstic Tang (var) L Naso Lituratus Green Filefish Monacanthus chinensis Red Tail File Pervagor Melanocephalus Assorted Filefish Monacanthus species Australian Banded Pipefish Coryhoidis Intestinalis Many Banded Pipefish Doryramphus Multiannulatus Banded Pipefish Doryrhamphus Dactyliophorus Fire Pipefish Doryrhamphus Janssi Yellow Tail Tamarin L/M Anampses Meleagrides Yellow Tail Tamarin S Anampses Meleagrides Blue-nose wrasse male Pseudojuloides kaleidos Blue Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Lubbocki Red Head Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Solorensis Yellow-fin Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Filamentosus Green-fin Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Flavidorsalis Indian Exquisite Fairy Wrasse LM Cirrhilabrus exquisites Red Coris Coris Gaimard Africana Red Coris juv. M Coris Gaimard Africana Yellow Tail Cleaner Wrasse Diproctacanthus Xanthurus Green Wrasse Halichoeres Chloropterus Yellow Coris Halichoeres Chrysus Orange Tipped Rainbowfish Halichoeres Melanurus Peach Wrasse Halichoeres Prosopeion Half & Half Thicklips Hemigymnus Melapterus Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse Labroides Bicolor Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Labroides Dimidiatus Ornate Wrasse Macropharyngodon Ornatus Dragon Wrasse Navaculichthys Taeniourus Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Paracheilinus carpenteri Six Line Wrasse Pseudocheilinus Hexataenia Black-hat Slender Wrasse female Pseudojuloides Severnsi Green Parrotfish XL Scarus Gibbus Green Parrotfish L Scarus Gibbus Lyre Tail Wrasse Thalassoma Lunare Arrowhead Wrasse (Brown) Wetmorella Nigropinnata Bicolor Parrotfish Cetoscarus Bicolor Candy Stripe Hogfish Bodianus Sepiacaudus Fire Shrimp Lysmata Debelius Skunk Shrimp M Lysmata Grabhami Anemone Shrimp Periclimenes Brevicarpalis Emperor Shrimp (Red) Periclimenes Imperator Camel Shrimp Rhynchocinetes Durbanensis Banded Shrimp Stenopus Hispidus Yellow Banded Shrimp Stenopus Scutellatus Purple-leg Marble Shrimp Saron rectirostris Ambonian Shrimp Thor Amboinensis Decorator Crab Camposcia retusa Boxer Crab Lybia tesselata Anemone Crab Neopetrolisthes Ohshimai Red Legs Hermit Crabs Dardanus Megistos Sea Nettle (Pink) Chrysaora Quinquecirrha Colour Sea Slug Hypselodoris apolegma Warty Sea slug Phyllidia species Strawberry Slug Gymnodoris rubropapulosa Dragon Slug Bornella calcarata Blue Velvet Slug Chelidonura varians Sea Hare S Dolabrifera dolabrifera Sea Hare M Dolabrifera dolabrifera Astraea Turbo Snail Astraea Tecta Nassa Snail Nassarius sp. Blue Star Linckia laevigata Blue Star L/XL Linckia laevigata Color Tip Star (Orange) Linckia multifora Red Urchin Astropyga radiata Sand Tube Worm (brown-Long) Sabellastarte indica Sand Tube Worm (yellow) Sabellastarte indica Pink Anemone Condylactis Passifora Red Bubble tip Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor Red Base Bubble tip Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor Long Tentacle Anemone Macrodactyla doreensis Orange Anemone Condylactis Passifora Yellow Anemone Condylactis Passifora Green Carpet Anemone Stichodadtyla gigantea -
Weekly Update - 14th Mar to 20th Mar 2016
acidjc replied to Regal's topic in Weekly LFS Stocks Report / LFS Info Centre
Ah Beng any shipment or stock upate? Iwaran Gem Tang all Sold out??? -
Ah Beng and CF got many Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
Looking for colt, duncan, and xenia corals ! :)
acidjc replied to danielnjoo's topic in Soft Coral Forum
Iwarana got nice pulsing xenia in the frag room. Lck201 got Duncan Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk -
10 Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
Chiller found thanks all for your reading and supports . Also thank you very much to those you offer me or help to post a link ... never try never know ....
Actually got found seller , but don't know why MIA , call engage, sms no reply. .v sad So... up for my search again ... never try never know ....
Thank bro.. ... never try never know ....
Up for my search ... never try never know ....
Still looking for 1/4 chiller ... never try never know ....
Maybe I ask how u guy glue the xenia onto the frag plug? I try many time but always drop out ... never try never know ....
Weekly Update - 26th Oct to 01th Nov 2015
acidjc replied to hooey's topic in Weekly LFS Stocks Report / LFS Info Centre
Anyone spotted big YT ? ... never try never know .... -
still looking ... anyone letting go, do contact me . thanks
Wts: Arctica chiller 1/4 for 2ft tank and above
acidjc replied to alex826768's topic in Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop
hi Alex I have pm you yesterday..do let me know if it still available. thanks -
Still searching.. ... never try never know ....
looking for 1/4 or 1/3HP chiller good enough for 400L to 500L 3ft tank with sump. anyone letting go? txt me at 85111868. Thank you