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Everything posted by lokey

  1. Thanks for the overwhelming response all items SOLD! Thanks Loke ====
  2. Hello, Here's the latest items available now. 1. Resun C150 1/6Hp - $250 2. 5Kg Dead Rocks - $10 3. 1 Yellow foot Clown - $5 4. 1 Tomato Red Clown - $5 5. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown - $5 6. 1 Orange Percula Clown - $1 7. 1 Banner Shrimp - $5 8. WeiPro SA-2011 Skimmer- $20 9. Grade #3 Sand for 4' tank 3" think - $10 10. DIY 4' light 2 10K 2 Blue Act with 2 Hager Timer - $50 11. 2 Eheim 2217 Filter w clips - $50 each 12. 1 Mushroom Coral - $5 13. 1 Frog Spawn Coral - $20 14. 1 Green Stem Coral - $10 Please call or SMS me. Priority for buyer who takes all at $300. Loke 9660 1122. Thnx, Loke ====
  3. Sorry guys, i think the Eheim Cent. Pump is not 1060 BUT 1046. Sorry about that, my apologies. Loke ====
  4. Hello Everybody....WOW....so good response until i blur. Anyway just to update. My apologies that i may not have taken all your calls. But here's the updated list. But if you wanna come my place tonite at Queenstown to pick it up somethings ...please call to check what is available. Interested in coming by please SMS me i will give u my address. 1. Reksun 1/3Hp Chiller for Sale (good for 4ft tank) - $300 - Maybe 2. 70Kg Live Rocks for sale - SOLD - Francis 3. 1 Yellow Purple Tip Anemone - $5 4. 1 Red Anemone - SOLD - Francis 5. 1 Luminous Yellow Bubble Tip Anemone - $10 6. 2 Eheim 2217 - SOLD - Mark (i think) 7. 1 Purple Tang 2" - SOLD - 8. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown - $5 9. 1 Bright Red Tomato Clown - $5 10. 1 Small Percula Orange Clown - $1 11. 1 Banner Shrimp (2") - $5 12. Weider SA-2011 Skimmer - $20 13. Eheim Centrifugal Pump 1060 - SOLD - 14. No. 1 Grade Sand for 4 ft tank 3" deep - $40 15 DIY 4ft 2 X 10K + 2 X Acenic Blue CoralSun - $30 16. 2 X Hager Timer (Analog type but fixed with the lights) - $40 17. Coral Frog fragment - $20 18. Coral Green Tip coral - $20 19. 2 X Sea Apple - $10 for both Thanks for the overwhelming response. Whatever i can't sell today i will post again tomorrow. Loke ===
  5. Hello, Got the following for "Giving Up Hobby" Sale. 1. Reksun 1/3Hp Chiller for Sale (good for 4ft tank) - $300 2. 70Kg Live Rocks for sale - $50 for All 3. 1 Yellow Purple Tip Anemone - $5 4. 1 Red Anemone - $20 5. 1 Luminous Yellow Bubble Tip Anemone - $10 6. 2 Eheim 2217 - $50 each 7. 1 Purple Tang - $10 8. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown - $5 9. 1 Bright Red Tomato Clown - $5 10. 1 Small Percula Orange Clown - $1 11. 1 Banner Shrimp (2") - $5 12. Weider SA-2011 Skimmer - $20 13. Eheim Centrifugal Pump 1060 - $20 14. No. 1 Grade Sand for 4 ft tank 3" deep - $40 15 DIY 4ft 2 X 10K + 2 X Acenic Blue CoralSun - $30 16. 2 X Hager Timer - $40 All items Self Collect. No Reservations Please. FCFS. Please SMS me if you are interested. If you take all at once i will sell cheap (Everything for $400 best). Do not PM me seldom check PM. Hp 9660 1122. Thanks, Loke ====
  6. Killfire dude, do you have the price of the 4X2X2? Please PM me. thnx, lokey
  7. $12 each. i bought 4 that day. But last week i saw about 8-9 pcs left too. It's at the 1st row of tanks from right (lower level) 4th tank on top ..... wow very detail but i swear to you i don't work there.
  8. Dudes, LCK 1*1, have MEGA giant clams!!!! Only $60 bucks man! Really MEGA ... i mean freaking MEGA....How MEGA? Size of a D24 Durian the 2Kg type.....that big man!................but color a bit dull lah...
  9. Squid = $10....go pasar $10 u will get 1 KILO! Octopus = $8-$10 But let me share my experience with you. I bought 3 already so far. 2 Brown and 1 Blue R**g. All sent to the Ken Ken Sotong factory within 1 week!
  10. Hi, anyone seen any stock of Spanish Dancing Slugs? Seen it 2 months ago at TM but none since then. thnx,
  11. There was some 10 pieces at PR Dr 12. PM. 35D. Octopus and Squid. But dun noe still have or not? check it out.
  12. Hey dudes, don't know if u have the same problem but sometimes my browser shows no picture...."missing picture links". Anyone have the same problem?
  13. Thanks dudes, u guys r great!
  14. Hi anyone, have experience with Sun Corals? Got 2 pieces but it's not blooming been a week already. What kinda light? I hv 2X10k FL 2 X Blue At 4' light. Do we need MH to get it to bloom?
  15. lokey

    My Diy Sump

    Hi Ian, cool system man...so how much did it cost you? And what pump are you using? thnx, lokey ====
  16. So, anyone know what's the cause of the GBD? And how do you prevent it?
  17. I am also wondering why so many of you give praises to PR? Because No.1 they are always empty...no stock like 5 days of the week. No.2 price is also high. As for Derf, well sometimes its just our luck....so next time dun go there lor. The moment we buy a life pet....sorry man onus is on the buyer...dude that's life. I would say places like ML, SL, HLQ, TP, CF, PM, LCK1**, T95, RB are worth the time and effort to go down to shop. The rest i have almost been to see either the same empty tank or the same old stuff.
  18. THIS MUST BE KEPT!!!! My gawd!!!...this is the whole nature of the Internet. It started because of this! The birth of the Internet was for groups like us to share information, trade, etc etc etc. YOU CANNOT AND SHOULD STOP THIS... Yes, i completely agree why should WE ALL SUFFER because of some DORKS! This is also the best way to see what competitors are doing, and weed them out of even flame them. Besides, if an Ad is Commercial it is very obvious with lists, add, phone numbers, otherwise they can be very subtle BUT if u see it too many times then u know they r comm. Like some people recommend certain LFS and we go down to judge for oursleves. We voice it and let every know the verdict. That's fair....and if it is crap then we will tell you.
  19. Ok....err.... Cyanobacteria. So it is good, bad, harmful? or what should i do to prevent?
  20. Hi guys, Anyone of you have experience getting some thing like Red Algae in your tanks? My tanks recently is show lots of this red stuff. Some times it even forms a film on the surface. The fishes are ok, but is this harmful? seeking advice.
  21. Hey Dudes, Where's that ever useful LFS list? It's been gone after the revamp?
  22. So my fellow marine tankies, what would be the ideal water conditions if we would like to keep anemonies? They are beautiful. What to add Strotium? Calcium? Magnesium? . thnx,
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