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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. a close up of the background part of the rock are above water
  2. that a huge ear if possible to lower the price i will buy it for my new tank
  3. finally finish part of my rock scape called it "rocky mountain" is make use of 11kg of LR to form the backdrop. pLs bear with the dake pic as the light are not fix on yet
  4. how big is it ??? is it green tip ?? or just brown
  5. or is there other places that sell this ?? if not to go there i have to walk quite long from the main rd
  6. the height is just nice to do it mah if me i got other plan but ppl selling their weipo at a high price not worth for me to do anything tomorrow free wan to ubi ??
  7. i think wat u thinking hahahhahha
  8. ubi so big ubi which part ?? can give detail address ??
  9. Great Stuff Insulating Foam Sealants Hi guys does any one use it before ??? or knwo where to get it ???? planing to do something with it
  10. just came tonight around 5 to 10 YT 1 soha tang left 1 flame angle around 5 PT 1 potter angle or golden angle cant remember and 2 Two / Twinspot / Slender / Yellow Hogfish brought by me yellow in colour Two / Twinspot / Slender / Yellow Hogfish rest are those usual fish
  11. can see the mH is it 250w or 400w
  12. ) INternal/external Hailea pump @ 5000L/hr: $40 wat the model ??? and the walts and how long have u been using ??
  13. bro when you going to trash it let me know will trash for you need to seed my tank with that
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