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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. a brown base with some green tip yuma
  2. another green tip yuma but not as bright as the FL green type
  3. a orange base yuma brown tip not as red as the previous one
  4. a close up of another frag at another area of the tank
  5. now it yuma time a rock full of FL green yuma
  6. a cream colour zoos and yellow polys
  7. here are another frag of the red zoos
  8. some up date of my tank after transfer corals from my 2ft cube tank which will be selling off soon first a close up of a a red zoos
  9. bro roidan why dont you post 2 days earlier just got mine up for your sale it a gd buy guys
  10. my CL 650 kick in too often any way to solve it ??? is it the flow too fast or too slow
  11. almark still surviving ?? think i am able to take it back liao. free tonight ?? not my room seem to get hotter........
  12. bro you banish my sun coral to the sand bed ???
  13. bro DB how not to stock too much with so much around maybe i should stick with my yumas and zoos frag them out and stick to any hole or space i con find surfedelic the rock are held together with a kind of foam and cable tied with egg crate. Melvyn Tan hahaha told you must go that place once in a while bubble_gum tks eyeing some of ur gems in ur tank
  14. a mushroom rock a close up on one of it that all for now
  15. a update of my tank finally got the sump working planing to have a plenum starting on it on this week end
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