hi guys
after i got a fan blowing on my 2ft cube tank now i planing to DIY a light hood
i got most of my equipment just need your advise on what put on my hood and the distance between the bulbs
equiment that i have now
1x 150w Mh with either 10k or 20k bulb
2x 55w PL 10k
2x 18w Blue FL light / or i can get x2 32w blue PL which ever is better
as for reflector have to decide wat to put in the hood first
i decide to use 1 mh, x2 55w pl and x2 18w blue fl
so the question now is what the distance between each blub ??
i will start with
wat u think of this will the colour looks good
( bear in mind it a 2ft x2ft surface area )
so have to decide on the distance between each bulb
wat i scare is that the MH might burn my FL if it is place too close to it cos the mh deform my FL light plastic casing B4
so any suggestion