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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. sorry sis i mean is that can we use the aragonite pebbles in our calcium reactor
  2. aragonite pebbles is it for the use in calcium reactor ??
  3. i would rent a boat out and drive urself, (provided you can drive) out to the sea. Imgine two of u in the middle of the sea. having lunch at boat, fishing line out if luckly might get fishes, how about it ??
  4. next is to get rocks does anyone selling dead rock ??? Live rock too X .... or coral chips that are coarse and big or small pcs of rock size like a tennis ball ?? will prefer this kind
  5. might change the PC to other place maybe swop with the 2 ft cube tank anyway my PC it too old almost 5yrs or more ...... pentium 2
  6. flexible hose (6-8inches) with threading are quite hard as i only have 15 to 18 cm of space to make a turn. therefore it is out
  7. almost forget this are the joints that going to be connected to the pumps
  8. here the view of the tunze effect on the water surface look at the rippers that it created... the rock and sands are almost 1 mth in this tank to cycle while i take my time to collect 2nd hand equipment ( poor man wat to do)
  9. next the over all pic of the tank and sump notice how the sand are blown off on the left side
  10. here the finish product of one of the hole drilled.
  11. a speed control power drill and a diamond drill bit to drill two hole for the return and skimmer pump
  12. Glasses that are cut to size for a diy sump
  13. here are my piping for return, close loop, skimmer, etc.
  14. This is my return pump using ehiem 1260 i guess been a long time since using it forget also
  15. Guys will starting off with a another tank this time is a 4*2*2 10 mm glass tank. Here are some of the Pic of my room in a mess since sunday
  16. bro can collect at mrt if can tmr i collect
  17. collection at where ??? if near i take from you
  18. bro the e ballast can have more details is it T5 or PL and is it for single or double tube ??
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