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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. Selling extra Par 38 set. Using cree 3w led. 12 led. Mixture of blue and white. 60 deg lens Both for $150. Collection at sengkang.
  2. A few bro asking about the model and measurement.. Here it is (copy from website) Jetskim 100 Dimensions: Ø 100mm (LxWxH) 155 x 120 x 550mm Technical data: For tanks up to 300l
  3. There is a trick to frag and stay at colony size or shape. . What I do is frag and then stick the frags again to the shape or size I like with glue gel. After some time the sps will over grown the harden gel...
  4. I think is not enough flow or light to the centre of the birdnest colony. I often get this problem when bird nest grow bigger and denser.. where lights and flow cant reach
  5. Hi Have a Schurun JETSKIM skimmer with Eheim 1250 pump for sale @ $100 Self collect at sengkang
  6. Anyone have any issue with it so far ? From what I understand, the propeller often stops suddenly. .
  7. I always wondering where you get all these energy to do all these .... Hands down
  8. What livestock you going to add ? Brown to green is normal. .. since you already waiting for so long why dont wait for another 1 week
  9. TOTQ reversed jinx winner too. Nice one. ..
  10. Yes GO have this in stock .. but be prepare for a higher price cos you cant see them elsewhere
  11. As above selling 2x tunze 6055 and 7096 - $450 without the original adaptor.change to simlim type... collect at sengkang
  12. Heard there is no manual for it ... attach a Chinese version. ..
  13. 產品使用說明:一、 產品特點1、獨特的控制系统多種造浪模式與功能基本可以滿足用戶所需的波形2、采用低壓的直流變頻馬達保證使用者的人身安全3、簡易操作面板實現恢復動態海水功能4、水流方向可以跟據需要調整角度5、電壓輸入AC100~240V 50/60Hz,可以適合多種電路且可避免電壓波動對造浪的影響二、 詳细安裝說明1、基本適合所有的魚缸尺寸鱼缸的厚度最好小於15mm;2、包裝中產品組成有造浪馬達、智能控制器、控制器、配電器電線、雙面膠3、取下造浪馬達支架上的後磁吸盤把馬達安裝在魚缸內壁中間位置。通过橡膠吸盤緊吸缸內壁。然後把後磁吸盤斜向移動吸在缸外壁。由于磁吸力大小心夹手4、取下雙面膠的保護紙緊貼到智能控制器的後面中間位置再取下雙面膠的另一面保護紙把控制器貼到魚缸邊上方便操作。如果不用安裝在魚缸上可以去掉此步5、接好馬達與控制器的3針快速連接線再把適配器的DC插頭接好控制器並接好配電器AC線。6、選擇性安裝光敏器件如果不需要光控功能可以不裝光敏器件(光敏器為一顆很小顆電阻請拆封時小心注意)三、 使用方法说明1、多達6種模式可供選擇:通過MODE按鍵循環選擇各模式模式功能如下H最大流量的固定造流模式L最大流量的1/3流量固定造流模式W1經典造浪模式使用此模式時需配合旋鈕調整波浪形態由於缸內水的體積與缸的大小不用需要通過旋鈕調節波浪週期只有當波浪的長度與缸的長度相等時波浪達到最大旋鈕順時針調節時增大波形長度逆時針調節時減小波浪長度。調節技巧調節波浪時需小幅度調節旋鈕每次微調後都要经過十幾秒的時間觀察波浪當調節到起浪後就在附件調節到最佳波形W2、W3普通固定程式造流造浪模式此兩種模式都可以通過旋鈕改變固定程式的效果可以根據水中的生物需要調節Else不定程式造流造浪模式可以跟據水中的生物需要通過調節旋鈕改變不定程式效果2、喂食功能:通過按FEED按键一次10min藍燈指示燈亮造浪馬達停止工作使水面波靜止方便魚進食10分鍾後造浪泵自動按進入喂食前的模式啟動工作如在喂食過程中需返回工作按一次FEED鍵一次即可;3、鎖旋鈕參數功能長按 FEED鍵直到LOCK紅色指示燈亮,表示已經鎖住旋鈕參數此時調節旋鈕時不會改變浪形。目的是為了防止波浪調好後不經意調節旋鈕再次改變浪形。如需解鎖再調波浪長按FEED鍵直至紅色指示燈息即可;4、光控功能控制盒左邊2針座子為光敏元件座。如不需光控功能可去掉光敏元件。功能在白天强光時sensor黃燈控制功能以6種波浪模式绿色燈工作。在晚上弱光時sensor燈亮表示停止6種造浪模式工作而以一種微弱的推水功能工作。四、注意事项1、為保證產品性能禁止無水運行2、控制盒的安裝位置注意防水防止水花飛濺到控制盒上3、安裝磁吸盤時應小心安裝最好把後磁吸盤在魚缸外壁平衡移動吸緊防止撞壞魚缸4、非專業人員請不要隨便打開控制盒與配電器以免損壞五、维護1、請定期清洗造浪馬達確保其有效動作2、控制盒表面有水後請用乾布擦乾防止水進入控制盒3、清理馬達內雜物時通過旋轉前網打開順時針方向旋轉鎖緊逆時針方向旋轉打開4、用軟布擦拭葉片並用水清洗馬達污物5、此產品適用於户內但嚴禁控制盒與配電器掉入水中以免造成不必要損失。
  14. I know someone recently purchase 4 of this ...
  15. Do you have any wave makre in your tank ... does your algae always appera at no or low flow area ?Shorten lighting period will reduce algae. If possible upgrade your skimmer. .. usually people will over kill .. you can try slowly reduce your bacteria king remove them as they can be a nitrate factory. In increase the flow in the bio pallet. Let them dance..keep on dosing bacteria.
  16. What are your livestock. What food you feed your fish ... 100 gallan is how big is the tank ... what corals are you keeping now.. what lights you are using ... what is your lighting period. .etc
  17. Cyno and algae are all part and parcel of reefing. . Even a mature tank or totm will have all these issue. . So far what I see is you are doing all the right stuff.. but can you tell us more about your tank
  18. If possible use tonga branches to do bonsai scapeing
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